A Place in Time by Nienna

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Thúringwethil flew into the cave that Sauron had given her. It was dark and damp, and though her humanoid mind hated it, as a bat it was heaven. She did her best to stay in bat form to keep her evenings bearable, but sometimes it was too much and she reverted. 
Tonight was one of those nights.
She sat in the dark, twirling a rock, waiting. She had made a gamble that day, this she knew.

Everyone knew that being Sauron’s primary messenger was dangerous. The combination of the cruel and rash beings who frequently had to be spoken with, and the dark and well guarded paths to reach them made for a dangerous job indeed.

But Thúringwethil had not made it this far only to turn down a chance at freedom, real freedom, even if that meant gambling with her life. She would be careful. She always was. And she would soar over the lands she had once been denied to ever see.

Chapter End Notes

The prompt was gambling games. I know I did not take it so literally.

Hibernacula was a word we were talking about in the SWG Discord yesterday that gave me this idea.

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