Star-Crossed by Leithriel

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The Choice

The choice is made.

The gleaming blade glinted in the sunlight. Five people were there, and one of them was holding a naked blade, ready to plunge it into the flesh.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Tuor stepped forward and stood before her

"It's the fastest way to get to the place where I need to be at right now." Nellas affirmed with a steady voice "I am coming, beloved."

And then she plunged the blade into her own chest. She let out her last breath, and her spirit abandoned her body.


"Why have you chosen this method of death?" Mandos peered down at her, scrutinizing her

"For the same reason Luthien chose her own death, a long time ago." Nellas responded without fear "I want to live a life of a mortal woman, with my beloved by my side."

Mandos stood up, raising his right hand. The light descended, covering the immediate area around them.

"Very well." the voice spoke, coming directly from the light "I shall grant you the same sort of choice. Speak the name of the one you want released."

Nellas smiled somberly, and did just that.


Turin opened his eyes. He lay on some sort of sandy beach, and there were three people peering down at him. They must have noticed that he was awake, for in the next moment, a hand pulled him up into a sitting position.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, cousin." Tuor greeted "You should thank her for being reborn. It was because of her request to Eru that you're here now."

He moved his arm, revealing Nellas, who stepped forward, smiling warmly at him.

"But why would she.....?" Turin paused

His voice was hoarse, and his throat was raw. A cup of water was passed to him, which he drank eagerly, relishing the cool taste.

"Because I love you. I have loved you since you were a child." Nellas explained

"And there is plenty for us to catch up on." Tuor looked at Nellas "Mind if I borrow him for a while?"

"Go ahead." Nellas permitted "We'll have many more years, and they will be ours and ours alone."

Idril joined her, and they watched Turin and Tuor walk further away

"What do you plan to do now?" Idril inquired

"We're leaving Beleriand." Nellas decided "Beleriand is tainted by Morgoth, and it is here that his Curse is the most powerful. If we flee Beleriand, we'll be out of its reach."

"Good luck." was all Idril said before departing to her quarters

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