your killer and your lifeline too by kimaracretak

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Solanaceae as part of Everywoman2019

Fanwork Information


She worried over such futures in the furrows of the world, the spaces of the in-between that she was sure held answers she had yet to grasp. Thuringwethil's skin did not come with her memories, but Lúthien knew what it meant when the world she saw no longer responded to her song. No more could she draw flowers from the earth, or ask the waters of Sirion to dance beneath her outstretched hand.

[ Lúthien, and the price she paid for skin. ]

Major Characters: Thuringwethil

Major Relationships:

Genre: Horror, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 415
Posted on 26 August 2019 Updated on 26 August 2019

This fanwork is complete.

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