The Writing on the Wall by HannaGoldworthy

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


On an archeological expedition to Tol Himling, young Elrond and his girlfriend Celebrian encounter some First Age graffiti.

Major Characters: Celebrían, Elrond

Major Relationships:

Genre: Family, Fluff, General, Humor

Challenges: Notion Club Revival

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 264
Posted on 14 September 2019 Updated on 14 September 2019

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

This references the love poem, the journal entry with the red blotch, and (if you squint) the harp notation page.  It also refers to some characters from Steel Rose, which I've been neglecting for months but which will be updated.  All you need to know is that Steel Clan is Bor's people, and Iron Clan is Ulfang's people, before their posthumous names were thought up.

Comments on The Writing on the Wall

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The letter is more poetic than the journal page! Poor Sarnai, can't be easy to deal with such a situation. Even if the poem isn't sordid (to the Elves), writing it on a wall is maybe not the best way to go about it...

I liked this glimpse at a more normal (for a given value of "normal") time in Himring, and I liked the interaction between Celebrían and Elrond a lot, too! The allusion to the Dwarvish attitude towards letters was an intriguing detail, too.

Really?  Thank you!  I'll have to lay that on Sarnai's lap, though; obviously she's better at poetry when she's not even trying.  And has long-lost relatives causing havok among newfound friends who are also causing havok.

I'm glad you liked the little snippets.  That thing about the dwarves has gotten some good feedback; I might have to write a dreadfully detailed fic on the art of dwarvish letter-writing as a response, if I find the right inspiration...