Rewind... by Nienna

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It was warm, and the calm waves lapped on the shore. The sun shone brightly in the sea-green foam, to which Tar-Míriel would be given for the next three days. It was her one-hundred and thirtieth birthday, mere weeks before she was required to marry Pharazon. She dreaded this inevitability more than she could tell.

Today was the start of the Sacrament of Uinen, during which she would plead for solace and protection. It was something of a rite of passage among the Faithful, although assigned to no specific part of their life. The Faithful still practiced the old rituals, although no longer were they given lavish temples or the simple joy of speaking openly. To be of the Faithful was to grow up in secrecy, never assuming, always judging the circumstances, always on guard.

Always biting your tongue.

And so the ritual to protect her was carried out in the back of a secluded, simple home along the water, the home of one of her mother’s friends. It was cool inside, with well oiled furniture and rugs too scratchy to be comforting. She had been preparing for this day for quite a while, as did all Faithful children, and she finally felt ready. Certainly more ready than she felt for her marriage.

In truth, Tar-Míriel had her own, private reason to be excited. She had seen a glimpse of Uinen a few times, and had been shocked at how beautiful she was. Uinen’s image had played over and over in her mind, inciting desire like no one else. Tar-Míriel would do almost anything to be near her. But she tried to shed such thoughts from her mind, knowing she had to focus on her entreaty.

Her mother and friends formed a circle around her, calling out in the ancient tongue that could never truly be called foreign. It was more comfortable in her mouth than anything else, even though her understanding was incomplete. She was steeped in the language, and it showed itself most especially in song. Before Tar-Míriel was to be given to the sea, the Faithful called out to Ilúvatar, asking him to guide her safely and bring her peace. They thanked Ilúvatar as well as Uinen for all they had been given, for the gift of this land and this day.

The procession opened the back door and stepped onto the sand. Three people, one whose life was dedicated to carrying out ceremonies, the other two close friends, were singing behind Tar-Míriel. Everyone else drew ever shifting shapes and symbols of what they wished would come to pass. They walked out onto the thin sandbar that had been built for this purpose until the sandbar reached its end, at least forty feet out into the water. Symbols and prayers washed away, swirling around Tar-Míriel. The others returned to shore.

She took a deep breath and dove down, not sure what she would find. She remained in the water all day, until her legs grew sore, trying to clear her mind of all but orison. Tired from swimming in concentration all day, she rested on the highest part of the sandbar. She loved the sea at night, she always had, and it now seemed even more stark and gorgeous, out in the middle of it. She watched the deep blue water, almost black, and the thousands of stars up above. She lost all track of time, falling fast asleep.

In the haziness of night she felt something near her, and looked down to see the water full of little blue lights. She gasped in amazement, watching them swirl through her hair and skin. Something was foggy in her mind, still on the edge of sleep.

She dipped her head under. When she lifted it up, Uinen was there, every bit as beautiful as she remembered, although clad in a different form. Uinen’s essence filled every form she took, so that despite their difference the same wonderful feeling emanated.

Tar-Míriel gasped in surprise.

She said somewhat wondrously, “To see you is all consolation.” Uinen blinked at her for a moment, and Tar-Míriel saw a flash of deep dismay. Uinen reached forward and kissed her.

Tar-Míriel wondered briefly if Uinen kissed everyone who came out to fulfill the Sacrament, but she swiftly lost all worry about any such notions and kissed Uinen back. She kissed Uinen deeply, holding onto her in the sand. She had a sense of having done this before, of it being so fundamental and well trodden to be ingrained in her. And then all thought melted away into pure joy, pouring rich and clear blue water over her entire landscape.

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