Warpath Home by heget

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Fanwork Notes

While not strictly necessary, I would not recommend reading this without reading at least Bân's entry in the companions at Tol-in-Gaurhoth fics, Soldier.

Fanwork Information


After Finrod's companions are reborn at the start of the Second Age, what do they do in the new eternity of peaceful paradise that awaits them?
How does a culture readjust?
What is Bân going to do with his second life?

Major Characters: Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fluff, General, Romance


Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2, 082
Posted on 5 May 2020 Updated on 5 May 2020

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Warpath Home

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Setting up the Band of Red Hand OCs for the Second Age, I probed the inspiration canon of Final Fantasy VII and its Compilation for inspiration- easy enough with Fân(Cloud), but for Bân(Zack) this was difficult. Aside from arguably the squat mini-game, his arc was about running away from home to join the megaconglomerate as one of its super-soldiers to win glory as a hero and the inevitable disiullusionment of it which maps perferctly with the Noldor Exile. But while the end of Crisis Core and the bonus flashback scene in FFVII has Zack on the run asking what should he do with his life since he's no longer a soldier, his quick answer of mercenary-for-hire doing odds jobs killing monsters does not work in Valinor. So back to Crisis Core, and the scenes where he ethusiatically encourages Aerith to expand her flower-selling business, even building her a flower cart, so that she can 'fill Midgar with flowers.' That search became this fic, and a sort of microcosm of an issue of Second Age Valinor as a whole.

Bân is more an engineer working in tandem to carry out or make more efficient Aereth's ideas and needs, and since he wasn't taking lead in the partnership, the skills were a blindspot.