Yonya by Harnatano - Lithenna

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Chapter 1


There was a loud noise on the other side of the door, which suddenly burst open. Curufinwë drew a sigh and turned to watch Tyelkormo step into the small study.

“Here you are, Curvo! I was looking for you. The scouts have met Bór and his men, they should be here in a few hours. Maitimo requires our presence downstairs.”

“I am coming. Give me a few more minutes.”

“Sure”, answered Tyelkormo with doubtful voice, "Are you working on something new?”

“Not really.” “What is it, then? Something special?”

Curufinwë was looking at the vellum, his eyes following the curves of the Tengwar, elegant and graceful in spite of the crossing-outs. He could barely recognise his own handwriting, and yet it looked exactly as it had always done.

Holding his breath, he stared at the unfinished sentence.

“Curvo? Is everything alright?” His sight was blurring. He picked up the parchment and tore it apart.

“I am fine. Let us go.”

In the fireplace, the flames burst with delight as Curufinwë fed them with the pieces of the letter, and they ate them up until nothing remained but the ashes of a silent wish.


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