Beren Stinks by Sinneahtes

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Fanwork Notes

I don't need to be drunk to write like a fool! I just need to be totally sleep deprived and give myself 15 minutes. ;) (I wrote this to see what it was like to post a story. This isn't to be taken the least bit seriously.)

Fanwork Information


The world's absolute worst retelling of the story of Beren and Luthien. And I mean that when I say it. ;)

Major Characters: Beren, Finrod Felagund, Lúthien Tinúviel, Mandos

Major Relationships:

Genre: Humor


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 482
Posted on 22 May 2007 Updated on 22 May 2007

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Beren Stinks

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:D  I laughed the entire way through this!  It explains SO much!  I could vividly see him walking and everything near his path wilting, Elves rearing back in horror and gesturing wildly for the other to stop the man....   Grasshopper spit!  And that clothespin with the Silmaril set in it...I want to SEE that!  :D  

Hope you don't mind me looking you up.  I saw your name on Pande's LJ and she mentioned stories, so I went hunting.  Would love to see more from you!