The Fourth Station by MithLuin
Fanwork Notes
This is part of one of my WIPs that got out of control, stretching on many chapters past the original idea. None of it has seen a beta yet, but I polished up this section in time for the deadline.
Edit: This story has now been posted as chapter 7 of "Lessons from the Mountain" - enjoy!
Fanwork Information
Summary: Maedhros meets someone he does not expect in the Halls of Mandos. First Place (Short Works) - SWG's Silmarillion Anniversary Contest (2007) Major Characters: Maedhros, Nerdanel Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: Anniversary Contest, Halls of Mystery Rating: General Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 998 |
Posted on 30 September 2007 | Updated on 30 September 2007 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Fourth Station
Never before seen...not even by a beta ;).
Read The Fourth Station
Maedhros was slow to learn the rules that governed the Halls of Mandos, but gradually, he learned how to exist there. Mostly, he was content to remain in his own cell; he had little desire to meet with other elves.
One day, he heard a voice call, "Maitimo!"
He sprang lightly to his feet, and reached for the door, not pausing until he stepped over the threshold. He looked about, curious for a moment, and then headed in the direction the voice seemed to come from. He took many turnings, but always he felt he knew where to go. Finally, he paused beside a door in the wall, a heavy wooden door not unlike his own cell. He knocked, but received no answer. So he tried the door, and found it opened with a slight thrust of his hand. He stepped into the room, and then paused in shock.
"Mother? How came you here?" he asked in distress.
Nerdanel sat on a low couch strewn with blankets, but leapt to her feet when she saw who had entered her room. She did not reach for him, but her eyes devoured the sight of him hungrily. "Maitimo," she said quietly. "How I have longed to see you again."
He held out his arm in invitation, and she stepped into his embrace gratefully. "I am glad to see you again, Mother, though I must say that I did not know you were in these Halls. I thought…we had left you safely behind in the Blessed Realm. How came you to be here?"
"It is not by swords alone that elves can be slain," she said ruefully. "There is one weapon that even the Valar cannot stay – I was slain by grief, in the end."
He shuddered. "At my judgement, I said I would be ashamed to see you again. But I see now that I did not answer for all my deeds in that moment." She sat back down on her couch, and beckoned for him to sit by her. He complied.
"It is not your deeds that drove me here…or at least, not yours alone," she tried to reassure him. "Everyone always said I was strong. I watched my sons follow my husband when he was exiled to Formenos…and my heart did not break. I watched you all desert Tirion and forsake our home, and my heart did not break. I heard of the Kinslaying and the doom of Mandos, and my heart quailed, but still, it did not break. I waited through all the long years, when no news came from the East, and still, my spirit was not conquered. Between hope and endurance, I went on. But in the end…"
"Who brought you the news?" he asked quietly.
"Your Uncle Arafinwë," she said, with half a smile. "He returned from the great War, triumphant and yet subdued. I knew the news could not be good, for all they said that Morgoth was thrown down. He saw me waiting there in hope and doubt, and his spirit fell dim. I knew the news would be little to my liking, but I demanded the tale from him. Even so, I was not prepared to hear it." She looked down at her lap, and repeated in a whisper:
"Fëanáro, slain so long ago. Five of my sons dead before the Host arrived, with dark tales told of just why Eärendil and Elwing came fleeing to the West in the moment they did. And the last two, who lived through all those long years, and fought and survived many battles…only to falter at the end. The Host returned empty-handed because my sons sneaked into the camp like common thieves to claim the Silmarilli for their own…"
"And that is when my heart broke," she said simply. "I had lost you long ago, before you ever took your Oath or left Aman. But the stories he told were of strangers, not the sons I had watched play as elflings and grow into tall lords. My children were lost, lost, and I would never recover them. I left then. I wandered alone, seeking out the wild places in Aman where once Fëanáro and I had found joy. But now all was dark, and the despair and grief clouded my heart. One day, I laid myself down and never woke up. Instead, I found myself here."
He drew her to him, holding her shoulders and putting her head upon his chest. He wanted to say something, anything, but had no words to assuage her grief. So he just rocked, and made half-sobbing crooning noises, trying to let her know how bitterly he repented of his actions in that hour.
Eventually, she pulled away. "But now you are here, Maitimo," she said, smiling at him weakly.
He tried to return her smile, but found he could not. "I…" He stopped. "Mother," he said gently, "there is much I must apologize for. When we left, we did not mean to abandon you, we just…"
She shook her head. "No, I understood. Who knew Fëanáro better than his wife? It was no surprise to me that each of you chose to follow him, for the strength of his will is such that he will not be denied."
"You denied him," he answered, trying not to accuse her, but failing to keep that from his voice.
"Do you really think so?" she said quietly. "Do you even know what quarrel came between us?"
Maedhros looked down. "No. Neither of you would speak of it in our presence. He only said… that it was not needful for you to follow us to Formenos."
She looked down at her hands. "It started long before that," she said quietly. "Such a silly thing, really. I suppose there is no harm in telling you now." She looked up at her eldest son, and searched his eyes. Whatever she saw there must have reassured her, for she continued. "It was not long after the twins were born. Or rather…not long after your cousin Artanis was born. I asked your Father, ‘Where are our daughters?’ for it seemed a strange thing to me that all seven of our children had been sons. I was just teasing lightly, for of course our hearts were full with all of you. But he turned on me harshly, and said that he would not be mocked just because his half-brothers had a daughter each. As I said, it was a little thing. But after that day, I found a distance had grown between us, so that no longer did we make our decisions together. He… would not listen to me."
She looked at Maedhros, and half-smiled. "So you see, I do not think it was I who denied him. He turned from me, and I merely chose not to follow."
"I do not understand," Maedhros said, confused. "Why would such an inconsequential thing matter so much? You did not beg him for daughters, and neither of you had any say in whether we were sons or daughters. He cannot say you denied him sons!"
She shook her head. "No, there was more to it than that, though how much more, I did not see until I arrived here. You know of many wives that were left behind in Aman….but do you know what caused the first separation of husband and wife here?"
"Do you mean grandfather?" he asked. She nodded. "Grandmother died," he answered matter-of-factly. "What did that have to do with anything?"
"Do you know why the Lady Miriel remains here?" she continued.
"She agreed not to be re-embodied. Otherwise, the Valar never would have permitted Finwë to marry Indis. But all the Noldor know this."
"Yes, that is true. But do you know why Finwë was anxious to marry Indis in the first place, and could not wait patiently for his own wife to return?"
Maedhros just shook his head. "I never thought about that. I supposed she loved him."
Nerdanel smiled at him. "She did, of course. But Finwë told the Valar that he desired more children. He had no daughters."
Maedhros took that in. "Oh…I suppose…Father knew this?" She nodded. "And he was never…pleased…with the children of Indis." Understatement of the Age, but no need for either of them to get into something they both knew very well. "So…he rejected you before you would have the chance to hurt him as his father had?"
"That seems to be the way of it," Nerdanel answered calmly.
"But that is ridiculous!" Maedhros said, standing up.
"You never married, did you, Maitimo?" she asked him, amused. He had to shake his head. "Most disputes between married couples are ridiculous, when viewed from the outside. It is not easy to become so…vulnerable."
"But…we shouldn’t have all left you," Maedhros said quietly. "His grievance was not just, and someone should have stayed with you."
"Regrets will not change the past. Do not trouble yourself about what could have been."
"Mother, at least let me apologize for the hurts I have caused you," he said earnestly. "I had not thought to see you here, and now I know that you did not forget us when we left. If I had known that I would have to face you again some day…"
"You would not have acted any differently, Maitimo. Trust your mother to know you that well!"
"Perhaps not," he conceded. "But…I did not think about those who were waiting in Valinor. If I had considered that…I may have avoided my last mistake."
"Why did you steal the Silmarilli from Eonwë?" she asked. "I simply could not picture you and Macalaurë doing something so rash and desperate."
"I was afraid to bring the Oath to Valinor unfulfilled," he answered. "I could not see any other options, so I fulfilled it in Beleriand, fully intending to die in the act."
"And you did," she said.
He shook his head. "No," he whispered. "Eonwë spared us. He let…he let me see that our Oath was forfeit. I did not die until after…I had lost what I had fought so hard to gain."
"What became of Macalaurë?" she asked then. "Arafinwë could not tell me…."
"Neither can I," Maedhros said regretfully. "I only know that he is not here, that he lived. And I know…I know the pain he experienced when he took the Silmaril in his hand." He shuddered at the memory.
"And your other brothers?" she asked to distract him.
He looked up at her. "I do not know. I can tell you how they died, for I was there. I can tell you they are here, for Lord Námo has told me as much. But I have not seen them, despite having asked for them since my death."
"Will I be allowed to see them?" she asked, her fear written plainly on her face.
"You will have to ask Lord Námo," he said. "I am only just learning the rules here myself. But Mother…." He took her hands in his. "You are here for healing. The tears of a mother will not be denied. Do not fear the Lord of Mandos."
She looked down at her hands, and caressed his. He went still. "Mother, I need to know. Can you pardon us for leaving you so long ago…and for not coming back to you?"
She looked at him and smiled. He saw that what little strength she had had been drained by his visit. "You are here now, and that is all that matters to me. You and your brothers have always had all of my love, and I have never been angry with you for long."
He embraced her. "Thank you," he said, and stood to go. "If ever you wish to see me, just call my name. The Lord of Mandos will make sure I find my way here."
"Namárië, Maitimo," she called after him, raising her hand in farewell. Then, exhausted, she sank back down onto her couch.
As Maedhros walked back to his own cell, he promised himself he would find a way to reunite her with all of her sons within these Halls. If such a thing could be done; for he was powerless, now.
Chapter End Notes
The title refers to the Fourth Station of the Cross: Jesus Meets His Mother. My view of Nerdanel is inspired by Raksha the Demon's 'Fading Embers.' I did not mark this story AU, but I realize it does deal with a subject that is very much 'off the map' of canon. The longer story of which this is a part will be entitled, "Lessons from the Mountain."
(1) Comment by IgnobleBard for The Fourth Station
An interesting take on what this meeting might be like. Poor Nerdanel, getting all the information on the events second hand. And yet her heart didn't break until she got the news of Maitimo. The waiting really is the hardest. You handled the situation believably and poignantly.
Re: (1) Comment by IgnobleBard for The Fourth Station
Thank you for your kind words. I know that many people consider Nerdanel to have survived. But in my opinion, if any elf would die of should be her, the poor woman. Maitimo alone didn't *really* send her over the edge. It was just so much bad news, all at once...and that was the last part. But he is definitely hearing "It's all my fault."
(2) Comment by ford_of_bruinen for The Fourth Station
Oh this one is lovely, it is sad and bittersweet and just very veyr nice to read! Very well done!
I like how Nerdanel lingered and remained strong until she finally was given the news on what had befallen her family on the other side of the sea, how she no longer recognised the sons sh had once brought up and how that brokeher heart. Very nicely done. I always like Nerdanel and trying to imagine her reactions once she finds out what has happened to her sons.
I also very much liked the touch of how it was the mention of daughters that had estranged Feanor and Nerdanel in the first place, a lovely touch which with the backstory and the odd ways couple works is a very beleivable and human touch.
very nicely written
Re: (2) Comment by ford_of_bruinen for The Fourth Station
Nerdanel fascinates me. She must be the only elf to have *seven* children (and all sons at that!), and of course she's the only one who could ever influence Fëanor. I see her as very strong and...unflappable, as well as wise. *Not* the type of elf who would usually die of grief! But the news from Middle Earth would definitely have pierced her heart like a sword. I tried to think of what seemingly innocent comment of hers would make Fëanor suspicious enough to lose his trust in her - and the daughters seemed innocuous and unreasonable enough! Thank you so much for the review, ford_of_bruinen!
(3) Comment by Rhapsody for The Fourth Station
I cannot help to wonder what Maedhros is learning to discover the rules and boundaries in Mandos :) It feels like a story on its own. I was however unfamiliar with Fourth Station of the Cross, so I searched for it, read up about it and read the story anew. To me it surely placed the story in a new light. I will admit that I felt disappointed of Nerdanel not understanding the hearts of her sons that they would pursue the oath with such fire and that this mere fact undid her (also Mithluin, I wasn't so sure why Nerdanel was there and the realisation that she was dead came at a perfect timing). Yet it makes sense, for her to remain faithful to her husband and sons: not willing to believe (like Mary remained faithful to her son Jesus when all his disciples fled). However, it is her sadness here, a sadness in her heart she has to share and this comes out beautifully in this piece. In her own way, she is seeking for her own healing and redemption and seeking out her eldest feels like a good start.
Besides this theme, I like your take on how Fëanor reacted to having daughters and how he would see it as a weakness to have them. This might be a taboo to address this patriarchal behaviour and people might fault Fëanor for that, but there is such grief lying underneath it, so I feel its fair to give Fëanor a hearsay about this in Mandos (oops I hope I just didn't sick a bunny on you). Ok I am going to cease rambling, there is much more I want to say about this piece, but I will safe that for another time. This is a great story and gives the reader much to ponder about!
Re: (3) Comment by Rhapsody for The Fourth Station
</i>*It feels like a story on its own.*<i>
It is! :) This particular WiP is called 'Lessons from the Mountain,' and it begins with Maedhros' death and judgement. Thank you for such a thoughtful review, Rhapsody! I am flattered that you looked up the Stations of the Cross to understand it better. Nerdanel perhaps should have known them all better, but she was reacting to the shock. The last she heard from them was Alqualondë and the Doom of Mandos. To hear that they had *all* died (except Maglor, who was still lost to her)...was just too much. Also, if she had heard the story from someone a bit the Fëanoreans, she might have understood it better. Instead, she's hearing that her oldest ended as a thief and a murderer, universally condemned. No doubt she is blaming herself for not staying with them..what did she do wrong as a mother? and all that.
I agree that the daughter idea is very...charged. I hoped to show that Fëanor's complaint had little to do with patriarchy (the man had 7 male heirs, after all!), but was more his own deepest-seated insecurity and fear of betrayal. His mother abandoned him, and his father (alone of all elves) married another woman. Nerdanel has always been his steady anchor </i>apart<i> from all of it was the only way I could think of to identify her with Indis in his mind. Not that he would ever admit any of this! Which is why Maedhros' conversation with Fëanor is going to be quite...interesting...when I write it ;).
Thank you again for such a kind and insightful review!
(4) Comment by Robinka for The Fourth Station
I often wonder what Nerdanel would have said to her sons if she were to meet any of them. This is a very interesting, bittersweet take on a possible meeting. The reference to the Way of the Cross makes your story more poignant. This is a wonderful read. Thank you. I enjoyed it very much.
Re: (4) Comment by Robinka for The Fourth Station
Yes, we hear so little from Nerdanel that it is hard to know what she would say, given the chance! If it makes you feel any better, I imagine her finding healing in Mandos and being restored to life. Thank you for the kind review.