Prince of a Life of Darkness by Lira_of_Imladris

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Chapter 4 - Nirorn

Neithan meets a stranger at the Ford of Brithiach

For what seemed like hours, Neithan followed Dae through the forest. The moon had disappeared and Neithan was beginning to tire as the nightmare had left him running on adrenaline. When Dae finally led him out of the forest, Neithan fell to his knees and flopped onto the grass. Dae came to his side and nudged his arm and Neithan snorted in amusement.

“We should keep going Dae but where to I do not know.” Neithan whispered before he sat up, propped up on his hands behind him. “I must get away from Angband but there is only one place in the South I would like to go and I still fear who will be there.”

“If you want to get away from Morgoth . . . come with me.” Someone said from their cover in the darkness. Neithan stood and felt Dae rub against his legs before the dark wolf growl.

“Who are you? Who is there?” Neithan asked demandingly. A pale figure, blonde haired and dark eyed with a strange mark on the side of his face going across his right eye. The elf smiled before he sheathed a dagger he had held warily when he had approached Neithan.

“I am of the Sindar. My name is Nirorn; I dwelled with Círdan for many years but have recently strayed from him. If you wish to find your way in the south, you shall need a guide and I am willing to help you.” Nirorn proposed formally but Neithan was still wary.

“Why do you wish to go south?” Neithan asked as his muscles allowed him to relax the tiniest bit.

“I am searching for my brother, he left me many years ago and I believe I shall find him at the Mouths of Sirion.” Nirorn answered before he leaned forward slightly. “I’m the only one you will meet for many miles elf, I suggest you take up my offer or you may be stuck out here until orcs or worse find you.”

“Where would you lead me were I to ask for your assistance?” Neithan asked.

“Into the west, we are the western shore of the Sirion and there are few obstacles if we head directly south. The greatest obstacle we would encounter is The Long Wall, Andram but I know of a pass that would lead us straight through in about three or four days. After that we would merely need to find a way to cross either the Sirion or the River Narog.” Nirorn answered.

“What else would you request of me?” Neithan asked.

“Naught unless you wished for me to do something for you that would lead me away from you.” Nirorn answered.

“You are willing to bind yourself to me?” Neithan queried, glancing down at Dae before he looked back into Nirorn’s dark eyes.

“If you will let me,” Nirorn replied. “I am yours to do what you wish. I only wish to find my brother, naught else matters to me.”

“Is there any chance whatsoever of you betraying me?” Neithan asked.

“Not unless Morgoth were to bewitch me,” Nirorn answered with a chuckle. “I would not go anywhere near Angband anyway.”

“You do not need to be near Angband for him to find you, trust me on that.” Neithan replied darkly before he sat down and brought his knees up to his chest. Nirorn knelt down in front of Neithan and brought his hand up to the side of Neithan’s head before he gently brushed his fingertips across a bruise that had formed where Gil-galad’s sword had hit Neithan the previous day. Neithan jumped back letting out a yelp as pain shot through him.

“Did that hurt?” Nirorn asked as Neithan slowly moved forward again, nodding silently as he did so. “What happened?”

“Hit by a sword.” Neithan whispered as he gently brought his own hand up to brush the bruise.

“Interesting . . . Will you let me put something on that? To help the tenderness, it’ll make it easier for you to sleep.” Nirorn noted. Neithan narrowed his eyes, something about Nirorn’s voice made it sound suspicious.

“You will learn to trust me, I know I look hard to believe but trust me, I am only trying to help.” Nirorn continued, as if reading Neithan’s thoughts. “What is your name?”

“Neithan, Neithan Hirvegil according to Gil-galad, High King of the Noldor.” Neithan answered.

“You have met with the High King of the Noldor?!” Nirorn asked somewhat excitedly.

“Aye, I sparred with him yesterday and he accidentally hit me.” Neithan answered.

“Are you going to let me put a salve on the bruise or are you willing to stay awake all night from the pain?” Nirorn asked, more relaxed now but Neithan could not for the Valar figure out why.

“If you are willing to, I would not mind. I barely slept last night for I was in the forest for most of the time but I believe I should like to get some rest. Do you know where I could rest for a few hours?” Neithan asked.

“There is a cave not far from here, ‘tis where I have spent the past few nights.” Nirorn answered. “It is safe and any orcs that may pass by will not notice it and even if they do they will not be able to get to it.”

“That sounds good enough, lead the way.” Neithan said before he and Nirorn stood and the blonde haired elf led them towards the north.

“So, how did you get that scar on your face if you don’t mind me asking?” Neithan asked quietly as they walked at a reasonable pace.

“It was thirty four years ago, alongside my brother I fought in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad in the Northern marches of Beleriand.” Nirorn began. “I saw that Fingon was in need of help and Gothmog’s whip struck my face. It took almost three years to fully heal. I haven’t seen my brother since that day.”

“I am sorry,” Neithan apologized sadly.

“Do not be, I shall find my brother eventually.” Nirorn replied before they continued in almost perfect silence.

End chapter 4

Chapter End Notes

Nirorn - tear tree (that might be wrong so don't think it's right)

Poor Nirorn, that's sad sn't it. If anyone whose read the rewritten chapters thinks this doesn't meet up to the hopefully established standard, please let me know, i want this to be one of the best fics i've written and i'm hoping i'll find a way to make a sequel out of it. Maybe i should make an attempt at writing Fingon's death and how Nirorn got the scar, that could be interesting. I think i'll work on that tomorrow at school. Thanks for reading - Li

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