Prince of a Life of Darkness by Lira_of_Imladris

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Chapter 5 - Surprises

A few dreams, a few surpries, nothing interesting . . . i don't think so anyway

Neithan’s dreams were once again nightmares of him running through endless and various terrains until Morgoth found him. He dreamed this several times before everything changed and Neithan found himself wounded, crawling through the gardens of a haven he did not know. He tried to support himself on his arms but when he moved his left arm, a burning pain webbed around the muscle and Neithan let himself fall onto the cold stone.

“ARBRETHIL!” someone cried in anguish before Neithan felt someone kneel down beside him. They turned him onto his back and Neithan groaned as the light of Arien shone down on him, blinding him.

“Ion nîn, speak to me, saes.” Someone asked pleadingly. Neithan tried to open his eyes to see who called him ‘son’. When Neithan’s eyes finally fluttered open, he saw a golden haired elf and another, dark haired elf sitting beside him. Neithan gazed at them in confusion before he tried to sit up only to be pulled back down by someone who sat behind him.

“Do not move, you will cause yourself further injury milord.” The elf behind him whispered.

“Where am I?” Neithan asked, his voice hoarse and crackly.

“In Gondolin ion nîn, you are home.” The blonde elf whispered.

“Gondolin?” Neithan queried as his confusion grew to a height where it became unbearable. “What is going on? What happened to me? Who are you? Who . . . who am I?”

It was then that Neithan was pulled out of his dream that he could make no sense of. He felt someone shaking him rather hard and Neithan tried to wake himself up but to no avail.

“NEITHAN! WAKE UP!” Nirorn yelled before Neithan finally woke and fell to the ground.

“What is it?” Neithan asked groggily.

“You were screaming in your sleep, something about your mother and father and possibly a brother if I heard correctly.” Nirorn answered.

“My mother and father?” Neithan queried as he slowly sat up.

“Aye, calling for them to help you, to save you from . . . him.” Nirorn answered. ‘Him’ being Morgoth.

“How long was I doing that for?” Neithan asked.

“A few hours, it was occasional for a while then you began thrashing in your sleep and I have been trying to wake you up since then mellon nîn.” Nirorn answered.

“Did I say anything else?” Neithan asked as he rested his head against the cave wall he leaned against. They’d arrived late the previous day and Neithan had been more tired than an elf that had recently returned from a month long patrol.

“Something about Gondolin,” Nirorn mumbled, not looking towards his friend.

“Are you alright?” Neithan asked when he noticed how suddenly downcast Nirorn had become.

“Nothing, I am alright.” Nirorn answered before he stood and retrieved his bow. “We should leave if we wish to get to the Havens of Sirion before Morgoth has a chance to find you.”

“How do you know about those dreams?” Neithan asked.

“The dreams I know nothing of except that you were calling for your adar and naneth to save you from him. You were screaming about that a lot.” Nirorn answered before the duo along with Dae departed the cave and began to head south alongside the Sirion.

* * *

It took them five days to get through what was left of Doriath, the sons of Fëanor had left very little. When Neithan and Nirorn reached the Fens of Sirion they decided to rest for a few days before the continued the trek.

“We shall have to be on guard throughout the rest of the journey until we near the Havens of Sirion for I do not know what we shall encounter.” Nirorn said as he kindled a fire as the stars slowly appeared overhead.

“Why did my mentioning of Gondolin upset you the other day?” Neithan asked. Nirorn sighed before he looked up from the fire, his face illuminated by the flames.

“I used to live in Gondolin, my brother and I escaped about five years before the Nirnaeth Arnoediad. We are both sought after by King Turgon, if he were to find me or my brother, we would be killed.” Nirorn answered.

“Why would he kill you? What could you have done to deserve the death penalty?” Neithan asked.

“I left, my brother and I left, that is all we did.” Nirorn answered. “Gondolin is a secret city, hidden in a circle of mountains. Because Turgon wishes for it to be kept secret from the outside world, anyone who ever goes there is not allowed to leave under any circumstances except for some reason, Hurin and his brother Huor. Because my brother and I left, we must pay the price which neither of us wish to pay, that is why Neithan.”

“Why did you want to leave though?” Neithan asked as Dae came and rested his head on Neithan’s outstretched leg.

“Because my brother and I had been trained as warriors and we had heard of the battles raging around Beleriand and we wished to be part of them, to help, so we left, risking our own lives to try and risk them again for a good cause.” Nirorn answered. “Why did you leave your home?”

“People had lied to me, told me they were my parents until I overheard the sons of Dior speaking about whoever my real parents are. When Dior found out that I knew, I left before I came to the sons of Fëanor and I went with them to Gil-galad and I stayed there for a day or two before I ran off and found you by the Ford of Brithiach.” Neithan answered. It was then that they heard a stick break under someone’s weight. Nirorn hastily grabbed one of the sticks from the fire before dousing it and he led Neithan into the trees, Dae scurrying along behind them, his head down as he searched for an unfamiliar scent, possibly orc.

“Neithan,” Nirorn whispered suddenly, skidding to a halt. “I think I found the twins.”

“What do you mean?” Neithan asked confusedly before he knelt down and moved the torch to illuminate two pale, still faces. Neithan backed away and fell as he tripped over a branch before he continued to scramble backwards. Nirorn stopped him and dragged him closer to the twins.

“It is alright Neithan, they can’t harm you.” Nirorn whispered softly but Neithan struggled.

“No, I will not. I cannot!” Neithan exclaimed as he tried desperately to get away but to no avail. Nirorn placed a hand on Neithan’s shoulder and looked him in the eye.

“Neithan, it is alright. Nothing will happen, I swear.” Nirorn promised. Neithan still tried to get away but Nirorn steered him to where the bodies of Eluréd and Elurín lay. Nirorn pushed Neithan to his knees before he placed his hand firmly on Neithan’s shoulder. Neithan did not realize but he began to cry from both pain and grief. His shoulder had not yet healed from the arrow wound and seeing Eluréd and Elurín dead made him feel even worse. Neithan shook off Nirorn’s hand before he threw himself across Eluréd’s torso and wept into his brother’s blood-stained tunic.

Nirorn smiled sadly as Neithan cried, letting his emotions out. Neither Nirorn nor Neithan knew how long they were there but it was almost daybreak when Neithan finally stepped away from the sons of Dior. When Neithan turned to face him, Nirorn stepped back, horrified by what he saw. Neithan’s eyes had turned black and a strange darkness was mirrored in his eyes.

“Neithan? Are you alright?” Nirorn asked scared. Nirorn looked down at Dae whose eyes had suddenly become dark with bloodlust and a growl escaped the creature’s mouth. Nirorn backed away and Neithan smirked.

“Smart choice, get out of here Nirorn or Turgon will not be the one to punish you.” Neithan said darkly.

“What do you mean Neithan?” Nirorn asked, confused and scared out of his wits at the same time.

“‘He’ is coming.” Neithan whispered before he unsheathed his sword.

End chapter 5

Chapter End Notes

Arbrethil - Noble birch... Goodness, what was I thinking when I came up with that ... It's been a while *laughs nervously* Please don't hate me but I've been very busy doing ... other stuff... Anyway, I'll post the rest of this story over the next week. Thanks for reading - Breia (Got a new name :D)

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