Denial by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


This is a birthday gift for Kenaz. A ficlet involving Maglor and Maedhros, which is set in the Time of the Trees in Formenos, at the home of Fëanor and his wife and sons. It is set in the same universe as my story Maitimo and Findekáno and occurs a couple of years earlier. I hope it is obvious from the ficlet that Maedhros and Maglor are very young adults and Fingon is the equivalent of a teenager. (There is a reference to slash in this piece but no sexual content.)

MEFA 2008 Second Place: Elves - House of Finwë

Major Characters: Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Humor, Slash/Femslash

Challenges: Family Matters, Gift of a Story, Inspiration

Rating: Teens


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 846
Posted on 5 March 2008 Updated on 5 March 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1

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Macalaurë leaned back in his desk chair. He had thrown the curtains back to permit the light of Laurelin to stream across his unmade bed. Idly scratching at a dried spot of egg yolk that had dribbled onto the front of his tunic at breakfast the day before, he hummed the melody line of an irritatingly elusive composition that had been torturing him for days.

The clearing of a throat that could only come from Nelyafinwë drew his attention to the doorway. His eldest brother stood there, clad in a flawlessly tailored, green silk jacket and contrasting dove grey leggings. Nelyafinwë’s bright copper-hued hair cascaded past his shoulders in an apparent state of attractive disarray, which Macalaurë knew with certainty had required considerable effort to achieve.

“Aren’t you just the picture-perfect courtier? Off to the city to play at diplomacy and governance with Haru and Nolofinwë?” Though the words might have sounded harsh to one who did not know them, Macalaurë well knew that Nelyafinwë would understand them as they were intended: an expression of affection.

“Well, we aren’t all geniuses like you and able to work dressed in Atar’s castoff clothing without changing in two days.”

The tired old dispute relating to his irregular habits and lackadaisical attitude concerning grooming irritated Macalaurë. “Oh, your little friend hasn’t been here if that is what drew you to darken my lowly doorstep.” He instantly regretted his sharpness of tone and choice of subject matter.

Nelyafinwë’s face froze, his generous mouth hardening into a tight thin line and eyes narrowing in wariness. “I have no idea what you are trying to say.”

Macalaurë allowed his remorse to show by lowering his voice, yet his honesty prevented him from avoiding the truth however unwelcome it might be to his brother. “Findekáno,” he said.

“He is not little. He is taller than you and over 40 years of age.”

“Well, in any case, he did not show up for his lesson. Was all aflutter over accompanying you to back to Tirion today.”

“I do not know what your point is, Macalaurë.” Nelyafinwë’s cheeks instantly reddened. Macalaurë mentally thanked Ilúvatar that he had inherited his father’s coloring and not that of his mother. Redheads had such difficulty in hiding their emotions, even those who, like his brother, had attained far greater self-mastery than he had.

“Oh, I think you do. I’m not judging or scolding, just noting that you should be mindful of appearances. Káno isn’t capable of dissembling. It simply isn’t in his nature to do so.”

“I’m sorry. If you want me to have any idea what you are talking about, you are going to have to be more explicit.” Nelyafinwë had impressively suppressed the flush and composed his features into mask of utter calm.

Macalaurë cackled uncontrollably. “Nelyo! I do not believe you think you can pull that punctilious bull crap with me. You want explicit? I can be explicit. You’ve been mooning over him for months, while he is panting after you like a dog in heat. Be alert. Alone with you for hours in the carriage today, he might just . . . ”

“Am I really that obvious?” Nelyafinwë’s look of abject anguish could have softened a much sterner heart than that of Macalaurë. “You are completely wrong about Káno though. He is barely more than a child and he has always looked up to me. Of course he enjoys my company. I am absolutely certain that he would be horrified to think . . .”

Macalaurë had lowered his chair and walked quickly across the room. He interrupted his brother by pulling him into a fierce, clumsy hug. “Shhh, Nelyo. I would never advise you to deny your feelings -- just to be careful. And Findekáno is no child.”

“Thank you for telling me. About what you noticed in me, I mean.” Nelyafinwë laughed softly and ruffled Macalaurë’s hair. “You are quite mistaken regarding Káno, however. But I will be much more circumspect about how I behave in his presence. That is, if you will promise me that you will bathe and change your tunic while I am gone.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“At least three or four days.”

“I sincerely promise that I will.”

After Nelyafinwë had left, Macalaurë returned to his desk, teetering back in his chair. He started to hum again, while thinking about how strange it seemed that Nelyafinwë -- who, not so many years ago in his careless youth, without a scrap of malice or forethought, had seduced and broken the hearts of nearly a dozen fair maids of Tirion -- was now in love with their half-cousin Findekáno. He sighed at his reflection that nothing could ever be ordinary in their family. Suddenly slamming his chair to floor, he grabbed a small harp from the foot of his bed. He had the main part of the piece in his head now. It would be a wistful song about a clandestine love. And, after he got the basics written, he would take a bath.

Names and words in Quenya
Macalaurë = Maglor
Nelyafinwë, Nelyo = Maedhros
Findekáno = Fingon
Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Haru = Grandfather (in this case, Finwë)

Chapter End Notes


Names and words in Quenya
Macalaurë = Maglor
Nelyafinwë, Nelyo = Maedhros
Findekáno = Fingon
Nolofinwë = Fingolfin
Haru = Grandfather (in this case, Finwë)

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Upon reading this ficlet, I am fervently hoping you'll expand on Maitimo and Macalaurë's relationship with your trademark gifts for writing great dialogue and finely wrought emotion.  You've drawn the affection between these two so well here.

I hope you can forgive some comment-recyling from your LJ, but I think this bears repeating.  Just look at it as "pimpage" of the story. ;^)

The following is a fabulous example of the "show, don't tell"  approach with a keen eye to detail:

Idly scratching at a dried spot of egg yolk that had dribbled onto the front of his threadbare tunic at breakfast the day before...

Then you paint the next layer - Nelyafinwë's studied aesthetic,:

Nelyafinwë’s bright copper-hued hair cascaded past his shoulders in an apparent state of attractive disarray, which Macalaurë knew with certainty had required considerable effort to achieve.

Now that is beautiful writing!  It's a vivid scene and throws the contrast of the two men into high relief.

Nelyafinwë’s cheeks instantly reddened. Macalaurë mentally thanked Ilúvatar that he had inherited his father’s coloring and not that of his mother. Redheads had such difficulty in hiding their emotions, even those who, like his brother, had attained far greater self-mastery than he had.

I love this observation on multiple levels. For one, the biological realities of human emotion and response which will be just as true for H. sapiens eldarensis as they are for H. sapiens sapiens and for another, that Macalaurë hit the mark and Nelyo can't hide it! Heh!

Macalaurë cackled uncontrollably

*Snort* I can hear this.  This, taken together with scraping that egg yolk off his shirt (I've done the same with my bathrobe so maybe I can identify with this), creates a character who is distinctive in his personality and habits, not just another epic Elf, and you do this in a ficlet. 

Suddenly slamming his chair to floor, he grabbed a small harp from the foot of his bed. He had the main part of the piece in his head now. It would be a wistful song about a clandestine love.

And we come full circle as the elusive composition crystallizes into a wistful song. Very satisfying conclusion for both the character and the reader. Although this is humorous and light, there is an undercurrent of the somber, too.

Very well done!

Thank you for the comments. I never complain about re-cycled comments, especially when they are good! (Sometimes I wish I could collect them all in one place, since you are one of the few overlapping commenters that I have and I get interesting remarks from completely different sets of readers--in fact, I am terribly excited that I got a nice comment from a published mystery writer on a recent bit I did on the Mary Renault story site--looking at something from a totally different angle than the typical fanfic reviewer who so often are caught up in interpretation of their own favorite characters). It is fascinating to me at what different people look for and get out of one's stories.

Got a comment somewhere else that Macalaure here appears a lot like Dawn's Macaluare from Another Man's Cage. (Of course, the closer they are chronologically to her story, the more like her characters they do appear, since I took off from her and only later does the character development begin to split. I actually thought that Nelyo was more like hers even than Macalaure here.) I've often joked that I certainly started this story cycle as fanfic more of Another Man's Cage than of the Silmarillion per se, but the farther down the road I get the more they diverge.

One other funny thing about writing this is that Kenaz challenged me and she doesn't really do humor, whereas I don't write even tragedy without it. So I am very glad the somber came through.

On the blushing redhead: my kids are not fair, but they are both terrible liars. (They are also good actors. I guess they didn't bother to use their craft with me.) I always knew when they were pretending not to understand me or not telling the truth.

I really like the portrayals of Maedhros and Maglor here and how you differentiated them :) Maglor's an artist and doesn't seem to care for ordinary, everyday things much. And Maedhros' elegant style nicely contrasted with Maglor's attitude.

Then, some things are obvious to Maglor, and you did a great job capturing the moment.

Very well done and very enjoyable :) Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much, Robinka. I am really glad that it worked for you. I look forward to writing more about their relationship with one another within my own universe. I've thought about it a lot more than I have communicated it to date. I was pushed to write this story by a request, which was a wonderful opportunity to begin. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Love the differences between Makalaurë and Maitimo you show here, and taking off from Dawn's 'verse.

Suddenly slamming his chair to floor, he grabbed a small harp from the foot of his bed. He had the main part of the piece in his head now. It would be a wistful song about a clandestine love. And, after he got the basics written, he would take a bath.

I think any artist-- painter, singer, writer-- can identify with this. I know I've done it!

Thank you again! You caught me out once more showing my Maglor-crushing. I love to think of him as the artist, who was forced by fate to be so much more. And Maedhros trying to be the best he can be under circumstances that sometimes involve giving up some of himself. So glad you liked this one.