Flawed by Feta

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Fanwork Notes

I wrote this a couple years ago, as a companion to my story "Flawless" which I intend to post here if I ever get around to it. After the charming reception this story received upon being edited and reposted on fanfiction.net a few months ago, I thought I should try it somewhere friendlier. I might add that while this story deals with the concept of slash, it is very mild and entirely nongraphic. Enjoy!

The Box of Tissues

Fanwork Information


AU. In earlier drafts, Tolkien had Morgoth send Maedhros back, but maimed. This is my take on that. Fingon is just as much in love as ever.

Major Characters: Caranthir, Fingolfin, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Turgon

Major Relationships:

Genre: Alternate Universe, Experimental, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: General

Warnings: Mature Themes

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 062
Posted on 23 May 2008 Updated on 23 May 2008

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Flawed

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Very sad, but bittersweet. I like the last four lines very much. I also in my Fingon/Maedhros come back again and again, that under other circumstances he would have made a very good king and that Fingon, in fact, believes that strongly and mourns it along with other things Maedhros lost.

Thanks, Oshun!  I actually thought those last four lines were kind of cheesy, but I couldn’t think of another way to do it.  I agree that, if the circumstances had been right, Maedhros probably would have been an excellent king (and as all I seem to write lately are AUs, I may have to explore that idea further someday).  I’m very grateful that you reviewed this story (again!) – it’s nice to get feedback from someone who seems to be as passionate about Maedhros as I am.  :D

Your story most certainly belongs to that kind of fiction that always leaves me awed. And it's not only for the fact that I do have a soft spot for Maedhros. (I believe he's one of the most fascinating characters -- and I agree that he would have been a great king.) My hat's off to you for giving us a great, truly moving portrayal of Fingon.

Heart-breaking, sad, and wonderfully written story, and I marvel at its poetic style.

Great stuff! Thank you so much for sharing.

All the best,


Your writing is beautiful and distinctive. Part of the reason I love this fic is the way you phrase sentences, for example:

Two for his lover’s lifeless eyes, three as they open against all odds, the color of dust or stormy skies.

I don't know quite why I liked that sentence - it just stuck in my mind for some reason.

The way Fingon loves Maedhros despite his flaws/maiming is very touching, and (I think) very characteristic (of Fingon, that is).

–Russandol? – questions Maglor. The inquiry seems almost a command, or desperate plea.

My heart went out to Maglor on reading that sentence - you conveyed his desperation very well.

This fic is (deservedly) in my favourites!

(Sorry if this review was all over the place, btw.)

Mistrali :)

Thanks, I’m thrilled to be on your favorites. :)

I played around a lot with phrasing and word-flow in this story, so I am glad to hear that it worked out.  Characterizing in such a short piece can really be a challenge (especially for minor characters like Maglor), as you have to convey so much with so few words... so I’m glad you think I did well with that.  Thank you so much for reviewing; there is nothing I love more than knowing that a writer who I respect has enjoyed my work.

What a subtle, sad, and yet sweet AU ficlet!  Maedhros may have lost his beauty and his mental stability (although the latter is debatable), but he's kept something far more precious - Fingon's love. The real orcs are those who don't understand the healing power to be found in love.