The People of Akallabeth by Hamfast Gamgee

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Beginning of the troubles

In the well to do suburb of Pelegir known as Elrosect there was a charming Inn called the Voyage Refugee. It was a large, well-lit comfortable Inn, serving varied and tasty ale. Pelegir was a harbour on the coastline on the mouth of the mighty river of Anduin and was a pretty place. On one end of the bar there existed a large window from which a variety of ships could be seen moored in the harbour the largest of which were an impressive sight. On a series of coaches and tables several people were talking excitedly.

One of whom was a dark-haired young man casually dressed, nursing a Pint but looking a little disappointed. Next to him a man said to him, 'Sorry, Pal, but you were easily beaten. I passed you around the Brasships and you eat my waves!' The young man smiled replying 'Yes, yes, yes!' a little moodily. The man, who you may like to know was called Dan liked to participate in a sport which involved racing boats out to the Sea and back.

It was the common sport of the town. Dan personally felt that his opponent had bend the rules a little but thought it politic not to say so. His opponent was called Turin and was one of those people who are good at just about everything. At least everything physical. I suppose that is good for them, but for the rest of us this is just irritating. However a girl next to them said, 'Never mind your games, remember Amandil from Numenor is over tomorrow, I hope you're all prepared,'

Naomi was referring to a visit which had made all of Pelegirs inhabitants excited. Amandil, a lord of Numenor, the most powerful country on the Earth was coming to visit. Dan was a Numorean. Well, I have to be honest and say an exiled Numonerean. Many, many, Millineia ago (about 3 to be exact) some lords of men were given rich reward as a result of their struggles against an ancient Enemy. You will find out who this Enemy is later on. Anyway they dwelt in the fair Isle of Numenor in the ocean and became masters of the sea.

Unfortunately after time they became proud and desired mastership of the world and to dominate all other people. A very few however rejected this thinking and maintained that the Numoreans should use their gifts to help other folk.

Many of these were forced into exile and dwelt in towns like Pelegir of whom Dan was born. They regarded Amandil as their leader and his visits, of whom he hadn't made since Dan was a young child, were always an exciting event.

'Quite so. I think I'd better be off them. Make sure that I have everything in order, your good health!' With that Dan departed into the Starry evening night. Most others followed his example a short while later. It was rumoured that this time Amandil would be staying as the lords of Numenor did not like the faithful returning.

And in the following morning which dawned bright and fair a large fortella of ships lead by Amandil entered. His people traded with the folk of Pelegir and a feast/party was set up on the shore. It was a good feast although one thing struck some people as odd.

As well as Amandil's followers there Men from the king's party and relations between them and the faithful were not god. Indeed one of the King's party was lord Whitesnake who was one of the faithful's most bitter opponent. Dan thought this odd as well and asked why they were together. One of Amandil's assistants explained, 'Well you may think so but he was coming to Middle-Earth on purposed of his own so he suggested that we went together being fellow Numoreans. He's been no trouble so far.'

Dan was a little unconvinced though. He was more wordly-aware than most of his folk and had heard nasty rumours about Whitesnake which had travelled all the way from Numenor. But Amandil made an acceptable if rather muddled speech. He did say, 'Hello, Dol Amroth,' thinking he was in a City to the north which caused much hilarity - that's an easier mistake to make than you mgiht think if you've travelled far. But the rest of the speech past merrily enough.

Maybe it was the Beer which he had drunk but Dan was curious about Whitesnake. His people were charming enough - almost too much - but Dan thought he sensed the odd look of contempt from them. So when Whitesnake and his group left the Inn Dan nipped into the evening shadows and quietly followed them.

This was easy enough for Dan to do as he knew the harbour streets well and Whitesnake made no effort to conceal himself. Dan over-heard, 'The latest policies of our Lord, Ar-Pharzon the Golden,' which he found very interesting. The King's men entered a hall in which they were staying. He may have been eaves-dropping but it was fascinating and the King's men did leave the hall doorway wide-open and Dan slipped in under a table.

The hall itself was fairly luxurious beyond Dans modest needs. Whitesnake however did not seem satisfied. He spoke to a servant, 'Do you call this table clean?' To Dan it looked fine but Whitesnake snapped, 'Look at all this grime! clean it properly next time!' and banged the servant's face on it almost breaking the servants nose who scampered away whimpering. Whitesnake talked to his men, 'Now lets have an update on our campaign in the South.'

As Dan hid he heard a lot most of which he didn't understand about Slave-tacking, ship-voyaging, conquest and armaments but then Whitesnake mentioned 'Our friend and counsellor Lord Sauron the great!' Sauron was thought of as an Enemy to Dan's people. He was so startled he gave out a muffled cry which he cut off.

Too late. 'What was that?' cried Whitesnake

I think someone else is here!' added someone else.

Whitesnake snapped authoritatively, 'Come on lets search. I hope it's a native eavesdropping. We can have him for dinner, I could do with a variety of food!'

That was a joke, surely thought Dan. But he was unnerved as Whitesnake searched for him. And found him looking under the table and pulled Dan up.

'Ah, supper time!' said someone. Dan stammered as several daggers were pointed at him,

'Surely you don't mean to eat me!'

Whitesnake sneered, 'No,' to Dan's relief, but it didn't last long, 'We're going to stab you instead. You came here uninvited. Eavesdropping. That deserves execution at least. Kill him!'

A knife touched Dan's throat. Dan was saved by pure luck. Just as he screamed the door was burst open and Amandil and some of his followers burst in. Whitesnake asked, 'My lord do what do I owe this displeasure?'

Amandil smiled calmly, 'You mean pleasure. I was just passing by when I thought I woul drop in to check you were happy with those provisions you bought. I like to ensure these things are done properly!'

'Yes, fine, thank you!'

Amandil looked at Dan, 'What's going on here?'

Dan cried desperately, 'Please take me with you!'

Amandil answered, 'I saw you at that speech. You laughed cheerily at my little joke, yes come along,' he patted Dan's head. Oh, coincidentally, Amandil was a black-skinned man. I do not wish to make a big deal about it but he was. Some of you reading this may be surprised, but that is the truth. Dan eagerly scampered to Amandil. Amandil said, 'Farewell, then, Whitesnake. Praise to the Valar!'

Whitesnake almost coughed, 'Hail to the King!' he answered in reply. As Dan left he saw Whitesnake give him a look of pure hatred that none save him and Whitesnake noticed.

The next day after work, he told this tale to his companions Naomi and Turin in the Inn. Turin brushed his blonde hair his eyes eyes widening, 'I think you may have had a lucky escape, this Whitesnake sounds a suspicious character.'

Naomi said, 'I'm a bit puzzled by the reference to Lord Sauron the Great, I thought that Sourcerer was killed by the Numenoreans,'

Dan replied, 'No, they didn't kill him, the Numoreans took him prisoner but why they referred to him in that manner I don't understand. Oh, maybe Mr.N knows N?' Dan called over a man called Mr.N one of the faithful who had spoken to Dan at the feast.

Mr. N joined them and drank a swig of beer. 'I'm afraid you're out of dae. Sauron is such a cunning being. He's not only wormed his way out of prison but is now high up in the counsels of the King, indeed he is almost the chief advisor!' Mr.N sighed, 'He seems to understand the hearts of the people which he touches with cumming. Many of us have fled Numenor because of him to spend our days in Middle-Earth.

'The King does not mind us leaving as long as we do not return. Which reminds me. We're leaving in the next few days. We want to travel North to visit the Elves to get information and deliver some, er, heirlooms. The quickest way is to travel up the River Anduin towards Rivendell. We may well need recruits you're welcome to come if you fancy a change.'

Dan pipped up, 'Oh, I would love to visit the Elves. I saw a few only once in the country, they were hapy/sad, making wonderful food with mysterious tales and strange powers and just ... wonderful.'

Turin added, 'Well funnily enough I'm going. I think Amandil might need me,'

The two looked at Naomi who agreed, 'Yes, I'll come as well although it could be dangerous!'

But we can't stay in Pelegir all our lives,'

'No Dan I agree but I hope it is not too long a Voyage. I'm not always fond of overlong sea trips I can get sea-sick at times!'

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