Three Wishes by Noliel
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: Fingon musing while facing off against Gothmog. Almost-tribble. Major Characters: Fingon Major Relationships: Genre: General Challenges: B2MeM 2009 Rating: General Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 312 |
Posted on 4 March 2009 | Updated on 4 March 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Three Wishes
Posted in honour of both the first B2MeM challenge, and because it's Fingon's bio this month in the newsletter~
Read Three Wishes
Three Wishes
Fingon would like to blaspheme right now, to curse in defiance of his captor, but he's having a rough time as it is keeping the screams down, so he decides to just clench his teeth tighter. If he lives, which is not plausible, he's going to have one hell of a headache.
Fingon would like to spit in Gothmog's ugly, sneering face, or at least bite the hand hefting the axe above him, but he can only shudder as the flaming whips around him finally break through his armour and begin to scald his chain mail.
Well, Fingon thinks, better Elves have gone out this way, and a flash of foreknowledge hits him as he tries to glare into Gothmog's eyes. So. The moronic Balrog is going to go down at the hands of an Elf after all. But foresight doesn't bring him much satisfaction now, considering that it could have appeared much earlier and saved all of them from walking into this trap. Big favour it's doing now.
But most of all- he fights to think straight as his mail gives way to the heat- Fingon would like to see Maedhros right now, shake him by the collar, and tell him he’d better not dare blame himself for what seems likely to happen in a few more moments. Because he knows what that foolish, tragic, beautiful Elf is going to do when he finds out that he, Fingon, died like this. Blaming himself would be only the tip of the mountain.
His leather jerkin disintegrates with a hiss of apology.
There are so many things he'd like to do, to say, to be- but there's no time left, and anyway, it's pointless to worry about it now. So Fingon raises his head to the descending axe and closes his eyes.
(1) Comment by oshun for Three Wishes
I cannot pick out a favorite line. The whole thing is just fabulous. Wow! It always amazes me when someone can capture so much characterization in so few words. The description is so viseral and so completely lacking in self-pity. Fingon the Valiant indeed. Very much how I would have imagined those last few moments.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for Three Wishes
Oh Oshun, thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad that you liked this, knowing how much you love Fingon- it's a compliment, indeed.
(2) Comment by Rhapsody for Three Wishes
This is fabulously drabbled! Even though we only 'hear' Fingon's thoughts, there is also the battle dynamics woven into it. With drabbles or short forms like this, the balance of storytelling is tricky, but oh my, this line for example is just gorgeous:
His leather jerkin disintegrates with a hiss of apology.
Re: (2) Comment by Rhapsody for Three Wishes
Thank you so much! I'm so happy that the little insertions of how the battle was going worked, I was hoping they'd come across well!
(3) Comment by whitewave for Three Wishes
The last line was the most moving and its just how I picture him dying: valiant and proud to the very last second. Thanks for sharing!
Re: (3) Comment by whitewave for Three Wishes
Ah, thank you for reading and for reviewing!
(4) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Three Wishes
Oh my goodness. I did not expect the tone of this subject matter, but it works; it takes something that's been written a lot before already and makes it feel new. This is my favorite part:
Good imagery always smites me somewhere between the stomach and the heart, and with this, I was smitten. ;)
Beautiful work, Noliel--like usual! :)
Re: (4) Comment by Dawn Felagund for Three Wishes
Eee, Dawn, thanks so much! ^^ I was nervous that the writing style wouldn't work for a moment like this one, I'm relieved that it does.
(5) Comment by Angelica for Three Wishes
Fingon the Valiant indeed! And also thoughful and defiant and everything you come to expect from a hero. Great characterization and wonderful imagery.
Re: (5) Comment by Angelica for Three Wishes
Thank you very much! I'm so glad that my characterization of Fingon at such a crucial point was true to form and that it reflected his heroism.
(6) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Three Wishes
That first paragraph gripped me hard and didn't let go until the very end, and wow! What a finish! My hat's off to your accomplishment -- a powerful look into Fingon's last thoughts in a short fic of well-chosen words.
Re: (6) Comment by pandemonium_213 for Three Wishes
I'm very happy this fic caught and kept your attention all throughout! I didn't think I'd be able to do his last thoughts justice, so![]()
thanks so much for the kind praise!
(7) Comment by Lotrfan for Three Wishes
The whole thing is so moving. You have packed so much emotion, thought and insigh into this work. Beautiful brave soul--not a shred of self-pity, blame or regret. Just heartbreaking.
Oh how well he knows Maitimo!