Three Wishes by Noliel

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Fingon musing while facing off against Gothmog. Almost-tribble.

Major Characters: Fingon

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: B2MeM 2009

Rating: General

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 312
Posted on 4 March 2009 Updated on 4 March 2009

This fanwork is complete.

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Posted in honour of both the first B2MeM challenge, and because it's Fingon's bio this month in the newsletter~

Comments on Three Wishes

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I cannot pick out a favorite line. The whole thing is just fabulous. Wow! It always amazes me when someone can capture so much characterization in so few words. The description is so viseral and so completely lacking in self-pity. Fingon the Valiant indeed. Very much how I would have imagined those last few moments.

This is fabulously drabbled! Even though we only 'hear' Fingon's thoughts, there is also the battle dynamics woven into it. With drabbles or short forms like this, the balance of storytelling is tricky, but oh my, this line for example is just gorgeous:

 His leather jerkin disintegrates with a hiss of apology.

Oh my goodness. I did not expect the tone of this subject matter, but it works; it takes something that's been written a lot before already and makes it feel new. This is my favorite part:

Because he knows what that foolish, tragic, beautiful Elf is going to do when he finds out that he, Fingon, died like this. Blaming himself would be only the tip of the mountain.

His leather jerkin disintegrates with a hiss of apology.

Good imagery always smites me somewhere between the stomach and the heart, and with this, I was smitten. ;)

Beautiful work, Noliel--like usual! :)