Threnody for the Dispossessed by Kenaz
Fanwork Notes
Story Notes: Written for Jaiden in the 2009 Ardor in August exchange.
Many thanks to members of the Lizard Council for the fast and perceptive beta: Oshun, Darth Fingon, Aerwen, Jael, and Erullisse.
The original request: A theme of redemption. Talk about The Oath, but don't let the shinies run the story. I'd like for the Fëanorian to have deep regret and remorse and want to begin the long process of making amends. What would he have to do? How hard would that be? The other Elf should want to help, even if he's unwilling at first. Death and rebirth is an option. A Vala can be a side character. Happy (or at least satisfying) ending is a must. Strong, masculine characters and witty dialog are encouraged. Deep affection should develop between the two. At least give me a hot kiss, even if you skim over the smex.
Fanwork Information
Summary: When the Valar recall Maglor to Valinor to plead for clemency, it falls to a reluctant rival to find him. Major Characters: Daeron, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: Teens Warnings: |
Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 15, 194 |
Posted on 21 August 2009 | Updated on 21 August 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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