The Most Beloved Elf-lords of the Blessed Realm by Cirdan

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Chapter 2

In the Blessed Realm, there were always festivals celebrated throughout the year. Many were smaller festivals that were attended by close friends and family. The Cherry Blossom Festival was one such festival. It was small, but it had come to include more than just the House of Cherry Blossoms. Although Glorfindel rarely spoke of it, the soft pink blossoms of the cherry trees reminded him of the trees around Cuivienen, the very birthplace of the Elves. Those trees had born white cherries rather than dark red ones, but the blossoms of the trees had still been pink. Many, like Penlod, preferred to say instead that the cherry trees were reminiscent of those south of the Sea of Rhun, but the older Elves knew to interpret that as a veiled comment about their ancient home. After the last visit, many of Glorfindel's friends were also moved to attend the festival. Glorfindel certainly didn't mind. The more the merrier. And he was not the one organizing the festival.

Glorfindel would have gone forth to the groove of cherry trees with Ecthelion, but the Lord of the Fountains had wished to help with the preparations for the festival and Glorfindel had to lead the House of Golden Flower forth so could not go early with the House of the Fountains. Instead, Glorfindel traveled forth from Tuna with the Houses of the Pillar, Tree, Swallow, Heavenly Arch, and Hammer. The last was an unexpected surprise. The people of the Hammer were jewelsmiths and metalsmiths. They delighted more in beauty crafted by their own hands than the beauty of the trees, but Ecthelion had mentioned the festival to Rog, and Rog had been eager to see the pink petals, perhaps to gather its substance for jewels but more likely because everyone who could wanted to spend time with beloved Ecthelion. The Lords would have persuaded Turgon to come forth to the festival as well, but Turgon had previous obligations with his family. It mattered not. There would be another festival for the cherry blossoms next year.

"Hail Lords!" greeted Edrahil. "All is in readiness. I hope that you and your households will enjoy the food and drink we have prepared, and there are many arts and crafts to be shared, but most of all, I hope that you enjoy our setting, the cherry trees of Aman."

"Hail Lord of the Cherry Blossoms," replied Penlod. He dismounted and clasped forearms with Edrahil. "We are honored that you have invited us to this wonderful festival of your House."

"I believe that should accomplish all necessary formalities," said Ecthelion, who stood beside Edrahil. "Come, Lord of the Pillar! I have awaited you long." Ecthelion raised his voice to address the others. "Please, guests, impose yourselves on our hospitality." The Elves of the various houses broke from their loose marching formations and went forth to try the foods, meet friends, and have their hair braided with cherry blossom petals. Many began to weave wreathes of their own with the pink petals that had been gently blown from the trees. The music of the House of Cherry Blossoms was enhanced by the song and dance of their friends. Amidst it all, Ecthelion pulled Penlod to that which he'd prepared for the Lord of the Pillar. Many of the other Elf-lords followed.

A pyramid of champagne flutes were carefully stacked high on a table in the center of the picnic area. The glasses were clear, and the golden light of Laurelin shone through them like crystal gems. Ecthelion popped the top of a champagne bottle and raised its bubbling top to the pinnacle of the glass artwork. The champagne flowed from the bottle into the first glass, and as it overflowed from the top flute, champagne filled the glasses underneath it. As those also overflowed, the subsequent level was filled. Edrahil opened another champagne bottle and handed it to Ecthelion when the first ran dry. Ecthelion smoothly transitioned to the next bottle such that the flow of champagne never ceased, and the pale golden liquid flowed and bubbled all the way down to the last champagne flutes of the pyramid. The Elf-lords cheered and clapped as the glasses filled.

"Do you remember when we came to see the cherry trees in blossom two weeks ago? We could not wait for the festival, and we met under this very sky of pink petals. At that time, dear Lord of the Pillar, you accused me of drinking wine instead of water." Ecthelion gestured to the great pyramid of champagne. "Behold the fruits of your words! I thought to make a fountain of sparkling white wine in your honor."

The Elf-lords laughed and marveled at the Fountain of Wine, and Penlod smiled, as was his nature, but all could see in his eyes the great amusement and joy that Ecthelion's fountain brought to his heart. "Well done, Lord of the Fountains. Well done. Never before have I seen such a wonderful work of glass of such impractical purpose."

"Not impractical at all!" Ecthelion took the topmost glass from the pyramid and sipped from it. "Mm." He raised the glass to Edrahil, complimenting him on his choice of champagne, then handed the champagne flute to Penlod. "You see, my Lord, once filled, one can drink from this merry fountain."

"Perhaps all the fountains in Tirion should be replaced with this new fountain of glass, beloved Ecthelion," said Galdor. "For these fountains will certainly be welcomed by the people, and the refreshment might well be better than even those of the clear waters of Ulmo!" The company laughed, and Ecthelion hit Galdor on the shoulder for suggesting such sacrilege.

Penlod drank from the glass that Ecthelion had handed him then returned it to the top of the fountain, an easy task for him since Penlod was tallest of the Noldorin elves. "I thank you, Lord of the Fountains, for this most unexpected surprise."

"If you truly wish to thank me, Lord of the Pillar, perhaps you will dance for us," Ecthelion said.

"I will not dance alone." Penlod drew Edrahil forth. "Dance with me, Lord of the Cherry Blossoms, for is this not your festival?"

"Yay, Lord Penlod, and so I will dance with you, but not before you are crowned with the symbol of my household." Edrahil gestured to one of his servants, who brought forth a silver circlet with rose quartz fashioned in the shape of cherry blossom petals. Penlod lowered his head so that Edrahil could place it atop his head. "There, Lord of the Pillar. I hear from Ecthelion of the Fountains that you have been of serious mood of late. I had Enerdhil of the Hammer make this for you so that you may be reminded of the Sea of Rhun in Middle Earth even after these cherry trees have borne fruit and lost their gentle pink petals." He crowned Penlod with the circlet of cherry blossom petals and then kissed his forehead, a rare treat since Penlod was usually too tall for such a gesture.

Penlod smiled and kissed Edrahil on either cheek before straightening himself. "Thank you, Lord of the Cherry Blossoms. And thank you as well, Lord Enerdhil of the Hammer. I feel blessed. How can any be heavy of heart in the company of so many fine Elf-lords? Let us dance and celebrate!" Penlod took Edrahil's hands. Glorfindel did not wait for Ecthelion before starting to play his golden harp. He sang in honor of the pink petals that would fall from the trees to make room for the ripening cherries. The other Elf-lords joined Penlod and Edrahil in dance, and even Rog, who was as serious as Penlod in mind, joined in the merry making. Ecthelion joined Glorfindel's song with his silver flute, and at times he would stop his fluting to mingle his fair voice with Glorfindel's.

Wake from your sleep, my children,

The childhood years are gone.

Wake from your sleep, fated children,

The peace is here.


Go to the true garden,

The garden of vernal truth.

Aman, the garden of the Two Trees.

The Elves celebrated long through the day under the glorious cherry trees alight in pale pink and slight red buds. There was no endpoint for such a festival, and the Elves wandered home to Tirion in small groups as they grew tired or were drawn away by other obligations. Well after Laurelin had waned and Telperion waxed, all that was left of the guests of the Cherry Blossom Festival were the Elf-lords and the servants who cleaned up the decorations and tables to be brought home.

"That was a most marvelous festival, Lord of the Cherry Blossoms," said Galdor. His necklace and wreath of cherry blossoms mingled with his green and brown raiment such that the Lord of Trees looked like a cherry tree himself.

"Indeed. Alas, for we must wait another year before we may again celebrate the blossoming of the cherry trees," Glorfindel said.

Edrahil smiled. "I know how you feel, Lord of Golden Flower." He looked around at the assembled Elf-lords and then sighed, content yet troubled. "I do not think this will be my last Cherry Blossom Festival, but change is coming. I feel it in the passing of these pink cherry blossom petals." He held out his hand and caught a petal that had been floating down from the trees.

"Do not be so, Lord Edrahil," said Galdor. "One should not be sad after a day of happiness."

"Forgive him. His heart is not truly heavy. He is simply feeling nostalgic with the passage of time," said Ecthelion. "Prince Finrod has chosen to establish his own house in Tirion, though he is not yet married. He will be moving from Finarfin's house and moving closer to Turgon's. I suspect that young Finrod wishes to establish himself so that he can propose to Amarie in the next year or so."

Edrahil nodded. "It is as our good Ecthelion says. And while the establishment of Firnod's house in itself is not grievous news, Finrod has asked me to assist him in the building of his house since I dwell close to that area. In addition, he has asked for my allegiance."

"But your allegiance is to Turgon," Egalmoth said. "What right has the Telerin prince to claim you?"

"Nay, Lord of the Heavenly Arch, I will not refuse him, for he and Turgon are close in friendship and he has already spoken with Turgon on this matter. Turgon has also asked me to follow Finrod." Edrahil sighed. "I do not regret this. Finrod is a generous spirit and a gentle lord. I only regret that I will not be able to spend as much time with you, Elf- lords of Turgon. It seems you have gained Lord Enerdil of the Hammer and lost Lord Edrahil of the Cherry Blossoms." He put a hand on Rog's shoulder so that the Lord of the Hammer would know that there were no hard feelings between them.

"Will Finrod ask the same of Lord Ecthelion, or has he already done so?" asked Egalmoth.

"Nay," Ecthelion said as he shook his head. "Finrod is settling south and west of Turgon's territory. I am too far east to be a convenient servant to the House of Finrod. Finrod did indeed ask to recruit me, but I was forced to decline his kind offer."

"I do not like the direction that this conversation is going," said Glorfindel before Egalmoth could reply to Ecthelion's words. Glorfindel took up his champagne flute and held it up. "Let us instead celebrate Edrahil's successful Cherry Blossom Festival and plan a great feast for the good Lord of the Cherry Blossoms before Finrod begins his move."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Lord of Golden Flowers," said Ecthelion.

"Let me host the feast, for it is I who will soon be severed from you," said Edrahil.

"What nonsense you speak!" Duilin said. "We will not be separated simply because you will be following Finrod's house. Indeed, we will still see each other on the streets of Tirion, for our houses will not move and we will still be living near you."

"And as you said, Turgon and Finrod are close in friendship. I have no doubt that the two houses will often meet," said Galdor.

"Indeed, though I no longer follow the House of Feanor, there has been no love lost between me and the other Elf-lords of his household," said Rog. "I understand your anxiety, but it is wholly unfounded." Rog put his strong arm about Edrahil's waist.

"Thank you, Lord Enerdil," said Edrahil. He glanced at Penlod and then mouthed "Lord Rog" to Rog and smiled. "I do not know why I felt such nervousness over such a small matter." Edrahil avoided looking at Egalmoth, who had, as always, been most concerned with the various alliances to the Princes of the Noldor.

"Well, then, it's settled. Since I suggested the feast, let it be held at the House of Golden Flower. I only ask that you allow me three days to prepare a dinner suitable for the host of the Cherry Blossom Festival," said Glorfindel.

"Very well. Let us meet again in three days time at your place," said Edrahil.

In simple celebration of this, Ecthelion then launched into wordless song. He vocalized in high notes like a bird in his sweet voice, and because this song did not have any words, Glorfindel was not the only one able to join in Ecthelion's music. Duilin, Galdor, Egalmoth, and Edrahil joined their voices to Ecthelion's and Glorfindel's. Penlod and Rog did not sing, but tapped their hands together in soft claps to aid the beat of the light and airy song. When Ecthelion at last brought the song to a close, the Elf-lords laughed and smiled and clasped arms around each other.

"Shall we at last return to Tirion upon Tuna then?" said Penlod.

"Yes, let us go," said Edrahil. "I think I'm ready to leave the groove of cherry trees. They will bear fruit while we are away, and when they have ripened, I will bring you all baskets of the sweet red cherries."

Young Legolas of the Tree came forth with the horses of the Elf- lords, and the Elf-lords rode back leisurely and listened to Ecthelion sing in sweet and silver voice to Glorfindel's golden harp. Behind them, the pink petals of the old cherry tree that bore white fruit rather than red were blown from its branches. The old tree sighed as the last notes of the Elf-lords faded in the distance.

Chapter End Notes


Yes, Ecthelion of the Fountain plays the flute and is playing with champagne flutes in this case. Sorry, I enjoy these little coincidences and word play. Ecthelion and Glorfindel are always situated together because I think they're best friends. In Book of Lost Tales 2, Glorfindel is described as "led the Golden Flower and was the best beloved of the Gondothlim, save it be Ecthelion, but who shall choose." They both slay a balrog before dying, and they both flanked Turgon's retreat at the end of the Nirnaeth. Seems like reasons enough for them to be best friends.

Penlod isn't a misspelling. His name is listed thus and as being Lord of the House of Pillar and of the Tower of Snow, but I'm working with the assumption that the House of the Tower of Snow didn't exist until after Gondolin was built. Pengolod is born in Middle Earth, the son of a Noldo and a Sinda, so he can't be in the Blessed Realm. I suspect strongly that he's Penlod's son.

I didn't mention this before, but Enerdil is mentioned in the Unfinished Tales as being the greatest smith in Gondolin, and I decided to make him one in the same as Rog since Tolkien later thought that Rog was a very un- Elvish name.

Edrahil is the same Edrahil that will later accompany Finrod and Beren on the Quest for the Silmaril. I decided that he acts more like a Gondolindrim Elf-lord and pretty much just felt like making him friends with all the other cool guys that I love so much.

Salgant of the Harp is nowhere to be seen because I don't really like him and because he's not part of the ancient friendship of the Gondolindrim lords.

The song is a slightly altered for of Liberi Fatali from Final Fantasy VIII. Oh, and champagne technically doesn't exist in the Blessed Realm since it was first made in Champagne, France, which is a place that doesn't exist in this story. That's why Ecthelion says "sparkling white wine" (as per Finch's suggestion) instead of "champagne," but the word champagne is used in text as a translation to better inform the reader of what's going on.

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