The Tale of the Twin Stars by Cirdan

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Introduction from Elrond

            It is only with great reluctance that I have persuaded the author to write the following story.  She dislikes romance and thought the subject of our love too similar to a “Mary Sue.”  In our times, we also had a similar term for such a perfect woman: “Tinuviel.”  But we lived in a time of fantasy, and Luthien Tinuviel is, indeed, my ancestor, and so any fault in the perfect must be accepted, for such legends are the very founding histories of my birth.  I beg your leniency when reading this story, and the blame for any melodramatic sentiments should be laid on me rather than the author.  But even then, I hope that you will forgive me.  I was in love, and he who sees through the eyes of love can never see clearly.

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