Drabble Poems by Lferion

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Seven Waxwings

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
Day 10: Bonus prompts are images for instadrabbling from the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth challenge, Sept 2020. Image 1, Waxwings

With many thanks to the SWG Discord denizens for enthusiasm and encouragement.

On AO3 here

Seven waxwings in a row
Dressed in red, oh see them go
Father's pride and mother's woe
All but one doth Mandos know

Eldest, youngest fire haired
Like their father fire dared
Oath sworn they, all hope despaired
In that fire were not spared

Clever, cruel and angry three
Pale and dark for all to see
In caverns bright they heard no plea
From their Doom they could not flee

Dark and doleful now but one
Wanders shores and light doth shun
Sings of good and evil done
E're Moon rose, beneath the Sun
And thus the tale doth run

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