Drabble Poems by Lferion

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Ghosts of Stone

Written for the Silmarillion Writer's Guild January 2021 Resolutions challenge:
Day 10: Bonus prompts are images for instadrabbling from the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth challenge, Sept 2020. Image 11, The Old Quay

Day 29: January 29th's bonus prompt comes from the True Leader challenge:
“Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth.” ~ Shirley Chisholm

With many thanks to the SWG Discord denizens for enthusiasm and encouragement.

On AO3

Old the ghosts of built things stand,
Quays and cities, towers grand
Where rivers flowed o'er wind swept land
Now lost and gone, sunk 'neath the sand.

Once they served to watch and ward
To shelter lives from flame and sword
Let lovers dance upon the sward
Now lost and gone, unseen, unmoored

Under heaven's dome they stood
Stone and iron, glass and wood
Singing, laughing as they could
Now lost and gone, both fell and good

Stone laments the grass grown room
Silent streets in twilight gloom
Once a refuge, defying doom
Now lost and gone: an empty tomb

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