Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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The Secrets of Ea

Shh. Don't tell anyone about the rumours. ;)

Suddenly, a vision of Age First
Amid the vastness of the time
after Arwen's tears burst
into the river that entwined
All the experiences felt there,
the Creation of Ea's within,
all the glory honoured, fair,
for All dignified have been.
The 144 Elven Ones
the number of Achievement
for it's About their Dance
when they Separate Went
When the Ainur Avatars
launched their Formating Design
and Chose the Veil of the Stars
to Offuscate as to Entwine.
Yes, they were good at Cosmic Truths,
and they had a Promise Golden,
their Utter Success deeply soothes
their Tears for the Evil Unfolding....
What a blessing, for it was rumoured
that a Vision of Nan Elmoth
was somewhere seen as ancient roamer
and a Tower Crafting God.
Clenching, clattering and lots of lava,
sparkling, glowing and the metal
Pumping Forgery in vena cava
Deus Faber, fused, dissolving, never letal
merged together when molten
myth creating, magic alive ~
...but you need to be bold and
... Next time, please protect your wife.
Barahir and Bregolas,
I see your Immortal Flame,
Mortals in Arda will eventually Last,
a new teaching of marvels came.
For it is always the Achievement,
of the Absolute that's Relative,
and it's the New Middle Earth Sacrament.
New form of Immortality's imperative.
They shall be respawned by Namo Mandos,
in the Halls of Waitings echoed the Bells,
and the Family that Wandered in this Source
sought each other like new Selves.
What an amusement... shall I see you?
Each and everyone did think
I miss you ... I terribly miss it, to be you,
as it's the HOUR TO SYNCH
In a new dance of Creation,
the Second Music of them All,
Melkor twisted his bettered Version...
followed by a flood, rainfall...
Oh, He Sings and Shows the Secrets
of the Deities that were so Veiled
The Absolute is the One; His Frequence
can be both Nothing and detailed.
Sing, Sing, oh Melkor...
Who Rises in Might.
It swirls, Your Core.
... Yes.  It's a beautiful Sight.

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