Cosmological Poems of Arda by AaronAzrael

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Bless: Flame Imperishable

This poem reflects on the True Meaning behind Good and Evil, the Music of Creation and Fragmentation of the Divine, which leads to Melkor's first Divine Frustration / Causational Reaction. This reveals Cosmic secrets of the Lore's reactional motivation behind each symbol or air of things, which was never explained in the canon but I strongly feel.

Silently, she would remember a cry
in lands unseen and not foretold
would she know how she would die
or she sought shelter in the cold?

Awaking in a state of knowledge
where a device undying
will not withstand its pledge
because it would be lying.

So Let it Be a Law of Voice
the Absolutness in the Word
Intent when it's the Noise
cannot kill him, or hurt

the Flame Impereshable, or the Phoenix,
the being that observed him silent,
so he made un dono* for it's ennex*
and the Vedic Way is Violent.

Yes, but ayuraveda is a healing
so it does depend on the Intent
behind the I when uttering its dealings
and Anger downfall-wards went.

Oh. So I am threatened?
Naive a bit and full of Love.
But Let This Word be a Willed Good End.
This is the Heart of the Dove.

A girl is looking with remorse,
unknowing how she passively agressive
started the Mala ways endorse
without resistance, with agreement oppressive.

How could she hurt a fellowed Heart?
Even Melkor was unbiased
looking from aside, neutral, smart,
understanding the Phoenix, liaised.

I forgive you not, he Uttered.
But God love he now did.
The Akuma Cursed Flame shuttered
for it Shall Not be Let UnHid.

Devine and Device, interesting words
Do they ever combine with each other?
For the True Chrystic emanation sure's
crafted for Life's protection, when bothered.

To be able to emit good and bad
but not as mirroring reactions
but to Unite what initially Had
been the problem of the Fractions.

Fractions versus Fragmentation.
One is like the Matrix - multiplied.
The other gathers them all in creation,
ablation is the Evil Craft disguised.

Searching the fourth AllDivinity,
the first one that launched the Adamantine,
the One that Relatively was the Trinity
and it will not get to it upon time.

Oh Why do I dear join in!
When I want to protect you and thank you?
Encourage your humble withins,
that victoriously Save our Same Dues!

I thank you... I thank...
This is how it Will Be...
I thank for it's Just a Manque...
But I Thank for Life's Eternity!


*the name Ennex attracts amiability, forthrightness and dedication.

*un dono - Italian for a gift

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