Many Journeys by Elleth

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Sere (*)

The death of Fëanor.

The earth groaned and cracked beneath their steps. Grass flared up and died. Horses screamed in terror and eyes were shielded against fire. Standards whipped in hot wind, burst into flame, were cast away.

One stood. One fought. One fell, facedown into the dust.
Trumpets sounded. The demons retreated. He was lifted up and borne away.

"Water!" one cried. Though he laved his father's feverish body and the sprung lips, they cracked and bled. His father spoke. His sons listened, grim-faced, and echoed the dying words.

He breathed forth... and burned.

She watched, woke, and would have wept, if not for lack of tears.

Chapter End Notes

sere SEER, adjective:
Dry; withered.

Sere comes from Old English sear, "dry."


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