Many Journeys by Elleth

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Necessary Cruelty

Instadrabbling submission from February 17: Valier discuss the changing mortal world. 

"They cannot help being as they are now. Some among them are beginning to understand, but their plight as a kindred now is to come to wisdom through my domain." Nienna's tear-choked voice barely stirred the veil before her face.

"And yet - their deeds are a disgrace unto Arda, and while we are bound to it, all of us shall feel in our domains what evil they do!" That was Yavanna, and Vána added, "Would you have us wither?"

"Peace," Varda interrupted gravely. "Arda survived Moringotto, and it shall survive the Fírimar as well. Know this - at times, cruelty is necessary for greater good. Has it not been spoken by Ilúvatar Himself that evil is in the end tributary to His glory? Imagine only how much fairer Arda will be when they understand."

"But will it not then be too late?"

"Varda smiled. "It will not be. There is hope."

Chapter End Notes

It's bad, it's us, there's hope. <- the six most important words in climate communication. 

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