The Cautionary Tale of Glorfindel's Hair
All of you have heard me tell,
of the mighty Glorfindel,
Who dared the fearsome Balrog's ire,
To save his folk from Udun's fire.
What is much less often sung,
Is the means by which he was undone,
For if Glorfindel had cut his hair,
He would not be buried there.
Glorfindel had lovely hair,
As if Anar's light it did ensnare,
His shining locks he would not shear,
Whether battle then was far or near.
He won the battle 'gainst Balrog's might,
And the Balrog fell into the night,
But Glorfindel it did ensnare,
When falling it caught him by the hair.
This is why you must wary be,
Of such things as vanity,
For your life is far more fair,
Then even the most lovely hair.
Chapter End Notes
A small note in the margin of this poem includes instructions not to sing it around exiles from Gondolin, as they tend to throw unpleasant things at the singer.