Sauron's Lament
Alay, alas, alack!
Oh woe, woe and thrice woe.
Woe is me for I am undone,
I must explain to Morgoth how I lost tol Sirion.
He never was inclined to listen to excuses,
He invariably follows them up with Mairin-rights abuses.
I do not want to tell him I was bested by a dog,
I would rather hide in Taur-nu-fuin as a fungus-covered log.
I do not want to find myself before his throne in shame,
at being misled by an illusion and a slightly mangled name.
I do not want to let him know that in three months I learned nought more,
of Finrod than that he was the most frustrating elf I've ever had to store.
But I cannot hide forever and logs are rather boring,
I will return in hope he will only make me listen to his snoring.
Chapter End Notes
A/N: with apologies to William Shakespeare as well as JRR Tolkien for mangling their ideas and verse, and additional apologies to Lindir for attributing these to him.
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