Morgoth the Craven Raven
Thou art highly craven,
For a misbegotten Raven.
Your black and clawlike hands would put any bird to shame,
Yet you'll find man not so easy for your darkened self to tame.
Your cowardice is shown:
you sit quaking on your throne,
While you creatures fight and die,
Beneath a foul and smoking sky.
Do you hide your ugly face,
For fear we'll laugh at your disgrace?
Or that flocks of crows will jeer,
When they see that you too fear?
For shame! That one who once was bright,
should fall so far into the night.
Seeking all others to destroy,
because he lost the source of joy.
Take flight foul bird and fly away,
For all your many crimes you'll pay.
An end will come to war and pain,
for day shall come again.
I may not live to see it dawn,
but day will come again.
Lindir's note: This song was written during a festival one evening in the great Hall of Dor'lomin. There were probably multiple authors of varying levels of sobriety. Their names are not known for certain, but the last six lines are believed to be Hurin's.