Blossoms Appearing in the Land, Green Figs Forming on the Trees by janeways
Fanwork Notes
TL;DR warnings: It's about sex but not sexy. Vague allusions to sexual acts but no explicit depictions.
As the granddaughter of a fairly prolific and successful romance novelist, I have seen quite a few bodice-rippers from the golden age of romance novels with truly extraordinary covers: the inspiration for my take on this challenge. (You can view a couple examples of what I mean here and here.)
I've also wanted, for a long time, to see more honest representations of sex in fanfic (and media in general). That of course serves a different purpose than titillation! But unsexy depictions of sex also serve a purpose.
This triple drabble, a subversion of the bodice-ripper/smutfic genre(s), is my attempt at killing both these inspirational birds with one stone-fic.
A note of explanation: Somewhere (probably LaCE, where all Cursed Elf Sex Facts come from) Tolkien says that elvish reproduction involves magically deciding to get pregnant before/during sex. Or something like that. (He also shared many other Cursed Elf Sex Facts that I am either ignoring either on purpose or because I forgot them, but either way I don't care.) Anyways, that is the understanding of producing children Caranthir is working under.
Fanwork Information
Summary: The blossoms have appeared in the land / The time of pruning has come / The song of the turtledove / Is heard in our land The green figs form on the fig tree / The vines in blossom give off fragrance / Arise, my darling / My fair one, come away! - Song of Songs 2:12-3 Haleth and Caranthir attempt to make love and discover they don't know much about making babies. My attempt at subverting the bodice-ripper; a triple drabble. Major Characters: Caranthir, Haleth Major Relationships: Caranthir/Haleth Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet, Humor, Romance Challenges: Book by Its Cover Rating: Teens Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 316 |
Posted on 5 June 2021 | Updated on 5 June 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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