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Aprilertuile has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Plot, Point of View, Research, Setting, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

The parallels and contrasts between then and now--painful! But the ending, even if it wasn't exactly happy, still had a bit of consolation in it.

And I liked the descriptions, both of past Celegorm and present!

Aah, ow. Celegorm losing Huan will never not make me sad (even if he did very much bring it upon himself). 

I like your choice of letting us see both the parallels and the changes through the eyes of his brother. The little detail of Celegorm still being so gentle with the animals but also refusing to get any of his own anymore made me feel things T-T

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

That little detail is a bit heartbreaking, I'll admit. But I can't imagine him just... Replacing his dogs and any other animal he once had at this point of his life.

His situation was too unstable, and educating/training an animal is extremely emotionally investing... And at this point in time I can't see him being in the right mindset to do it, but I can perfectly well see him aware that he shouldn't and... not taking in any other animal as a result. 

Besides no dog will ever come close to Huan... ;)

Oh yes, it absolutely makes sense that Celegorm wouldn't be in the right mindset to train/get emotionally invested in new animals, and that he'd recognize that. I didn't mean to imply otherwise! It's a sad situation to be in especially since he clearly loves animals so much, and it's just one (outward) sign (which Maglor recognizes here) how he is very much not doing well, so it gives me a lot of feelings T-T But I mean that as a good thing!