Olympics 2021 Instadrabbling by Lindariel
Fanwork Notes
Each drabble is exactly 100 words in LibreOffice.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Instadrabbles from the SWG Discord server sessions on 31 July-1 August 2021, with Olympics-flavored prompts. Major Characters: Angrod, Caranthir, Celeborn, Finrod Felagund, Galadriel, Huan, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maedhros, Oropher, Samwise Gamgee, Thranduil, Turgon, Yavanna Major Relationships: Genre: Adventure, Family, Fixed-Length Ficlet, General Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 1, 023 |
Posted on 1 August 2021 | Updated on 1 August 2021 |
This fanwork is complete. |
prompts: faster, higher, stronger, together
Read One
Together Findaráto and Angaráto settled the capstone into the arch above the entryway. Angaráto breathed heavily for a moment before dusting his hands onto the scaffold flooring on his side of the arch. "That was too easy," he jested across the stonework. "You should have made it higher."
"What would be the point of that?" Findaráto replied, leaning with both elbows on the capstone. "The arch is stronger this way."
"Stronger, and faster to build as well," agreed Angaráto.
Findaráto beamed. "Thank you for helping me build, brother. The Tower of the White Horn could not stand without your aid."
Eglarest, the year 6 of the Sun.
prompts: water, reconnaissance, spying, sport
Read Two
Teleporno peeked around the corner of the boathouse, looking toward the river where three small swan boats bobbed on the water.
"Are you spying?" Alatáriel asked sharply as she approached him from behind. As he whirled guiltily to face her she cut between him and the boats.
"No, only doing some necessary reconnaissance," he said, slumping.
She turned to face him. "There is no sport in that," she said gently, taking his hands in hers. "Leave your students alone to race the way that seems best to their team. And really, Teleporno, what spy is so easily caught off guard?"
Lake Mithrim, the year 7 of the Sun. This drabble belongs in my On Secret Looms Entwined series.
prompts: affirmed, inquire, delight, excellence
Read Three
"And then he affirmed it for the crowd: Círdan's arrow went farther than mine!" Alatáriel paused in her recounting of her first archery competition in Eglarest, remembering the surprise of it.
"Círdan shot better than you? Better than the man-maiden? Why little sister, what a delight!" said Findaráto, laughing fit to cry.
"Yes, there is a limit to my excellence after all, brother," she conceded. "But I beg you, do not inquire of Teleporno for more of the story. He has not left off teasing me about it for six years, even though I have won every competition since then."
Lake Mithrim, the year 7 of the Sun. This drabble belongs in my On Secret Looms Entwined series.
prompts: thought, mystery, shield, goals
Read Four
"I have never understood Findaráto's goals," Russandol admitted. "Obviously he wants her here for the council, but why did he send for Alatáriel so early?"
Carnistir growled. "The House of Arafinwë is a strange bunch: every thought a mystery, every smile a shield. I do not trust them. Can you not find something for her to do that will keep her out of our way until the meeting?"
"What sort of a something?"
"Set her to work spinning or weaving, maybe?" hazarded Carnistir. "I know she knows how to do that."
"No, wait! I have a better idea," Russandol mused.
prompts: shiver, lullaby, quiet, glory
Read Five
Turukáno accepted the newly named infant from Tuor, moving casually although his heart was bursting. He looked intently into the boy's eyes, remembering the moment when he had first encountered Itarillë's bright eyes and known her father-name. "Hail Eärendil!" he said into the glory of that tiny face. The newborn met his gaze with a tiny shiver of recognition, then calmed as Turukáno began the slow swaying bounce every parent knows. Turukáno began to sing the same quiet lullaby he had sung to Itarillë so long ago, so far away, smiling as he remembered the celestial blue eyes of Elenwë.
Image prompt: a swimmer in waters off a hilly shoreline
Read Six
At Huan's advising, Lúthien cast herself into the Narog once they were past the cascades. The lesser hounds of the Feanorions would not be able to track them through the water, he had told her. She knifed through the cold water, enjoying the challenge of swimming against a current stronger than that of Esgalduin. Huan swam beside her, her bundled cloak tied around his body, offering her encouragement via ósanwë.
Two leagues north of Nargothrond, Lúthien stepped from the water, her shorn hair clinging to her head like a cap. She shook herself, and her hair began to grow again.
Early in the Fourth Age.
prompts: miss mountain bay nineteen
Read Seven
Sam reached for the crock of bay leaves, adding two to the pot of stew. He tasted, salted, remembered. He hadn't stewed rabbits in nineteen years; the very thought of it made him miss Mr. Frodo too much. The fiery mountain also loomed over his every fragrant memory of Ithilien. But Rosie was so sad over the recent death of her father, and she had asked for that dish specifically. Comforting Rosie was more than worth any bad dreams he might have, which waking would banish. Perhaps if he were lucky he would dream of Henneth Annûn instead, or oliphaunts.
Valinor, Years of the Tree.
prompts: symmetrical, bread, ribbon, fall
Read Eight
"Very good. Now do it again," the Lady instructed.
Artanis picked up the next leaf. She flattened it on the marble table and put a wafer of coimas atop it. First Fold, then the symmetrical Second Folds, then the Roll of Covering, and the bread was wrapped. She reached into the basket for a ribbon and bound the neat bundle with the special Yavannildi knot.
"One day you will choose your own leaf wrapping and seal," the Lady reminded her.
Artanis slid the completed package carefully atop the pile, without letting it fall even so far as a hair's thickness.
Eriador, Second Age.
prompts: green, bridge, swan, arch
Read Nine
Celeborn turned to Narvi. "The pointed arch makes such a graceful support!" Truth to tell, the Nimrodel bridge reminded him a little too much of the living arches of Alqualonde.
Narvi and Celebrimbor both grinned, and both started to explain the engineering in technical detail. Galadriel smiled, asking a question that just encouraged them to continue talking that way. Meanwhile, Celeborn lost track of the conversation entirely as he caught sight of a swan downstream of the bridge, where the Silverlode water pooled. Green stalks around the pool were a promise of ninglor yet to come. His heart eased somewhat.
Doriath, First Age.
prompts: artistic, rings, balance, tumble
Read Ten
Oropher braided the green rushes into rings with practiced hands, dropping each onto the table. When six completed rings lay there, he picked them all up.
"Now, my son, watch this!" he cried, as he began tossing them into the air. The cranky elfling changed mood in an instant, first laughing and clapping, then jumping up and down with delight as his father juggled. Next he began trying to sieze them from the air. Thranduil's determined assault soon knocked Oropher off balance, and all began falling to the floor in an artistic tumble of elf, gleeful elfling, and flying greenery.