Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Just a few of my favourite podfics that I've found soothing for bedtime (or middle of the night, or any time really) listening.
He and Diamond were visiting, though Pippin had been disappearing every afternoon, and taking Frodo and Elanor and most other lads and lasses in the neighborhood with him—though why they couldn’t use Pippin’s own pony, Sam couldn’t imagine.
Merry Brandybuck and Estella Bolger named their first child Boromir, after the hero of the War of the Ring. But the young hobbit's dearest secret is the name she wishes she had. One quiet day, after finding an unusual necklace in the cellar, she begins to see visions of an ancient past that whisper to her of ways she might heal a poisoned pond that has never recovered since the Scouring of the Shire. Can she unlock the secrets of a long-ago chemister and his lover and find the courage to stay true to herself along the way?
In Tol Eressëa, Celebrían and Galadriel talk about Arwen. Written for the "It Comes in Threes" challenge, inspired by Maiden, Mother and Crone.
“Well, Sam,” said Frodo one sunny afternoon as they sat together in the garden, “what do you think of Elves, now that you have seen Elvenhome?” He spoke with a smile, and both of them remembered the times before that he had asked the question—after first meeting Gildor and his party and spending the night with them at Woody End, and later at Rivendell, and later still as their sojourn in Lothlórien came to an end. It was practically tradition.
“My father says he will sail West one day, and I hope to follow him, if I can. I want more than anything to see what lies in the West,” she said. The longing for it flared in her heart, as it had ever since her father had first read to her from the Red Book of Mr. Frodo’s sailing.
“There are few ships now that can take that road,” Arwen said softly.
Elanor travels to Minas Tirith and enters the queen's service.
It was the Elvenking. He gazed at the disappearing haven and the encircling hills with a strange, sorrowful expression upon his face, as if he felt the same uncomfortable tug of uprooting that Sam did, feeling as if he had been removed from his familiar soil and planted somewhere he didn’t belong, at least not yet.
Sam watched him, feeling like he was intruding on a private moment, but he couldn’t look away. It was strange to think that a king of the Elves might feel as displaced and torn as he did, but Sam felt suddenly in that moment that he understood the Elvenking, high and lordly though he was.
Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West.
Frodo had always been meant to leave the Shire.
Eärendil invites Bilbo aboard Vingilot to sail the skies.
Aragorn doesn't meet the hobbits in Bree. Maglor, however, does.
Sam has just settled himself on Tol Eressea when Galadriel comes to call.
Sam encounters one of the Big People for the first time.
A collection of non-Silm-based drabbles and ficlets.
Rosie Cotton enjoys the little things.
Based on this moodboard made by Narya.
Instadrabbles from the SWG Discord server sessions on 31 July-1 August 2021, with Olympics-flavored prompts.
crossposted on AO3
Life in Fourth Age Valinor is good for Celebrimbor. He has his students, he has his projects, and if life is a little less exciting than it was in Middle-earth, that’s probably for the best, right? So when a series of events conspires to bring Sauron the Dark Lord back into all of their lives, he must decide if he will help him regain his memories or if some things are better left in the past.
From the Discord server sessions on 27 December 2020.
The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured. As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.
Posted in a very different form. Heavily revised. Completed and being posted gradually as final revisions are made.
A two-part series about holidays celebrated on April 6, these articles discuss canonical foods that might have been used to celebrate Sam's birthday, investigates their history, and offers recipes to try at home.
Pippin writes a song to woo Diamond and his friends help him sing it.
Eowyn visits the Museum of Middle-Earth in Minas Tirith after the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen, where she meets Galadriel.
Farmer Maggot dines at Bag End before Yule.
In the woods, Sam encounters a very old elf. He's not sure how he feels about it.
A place to store drabbles and ficlets, mostly written for various prompts.
Maglor makes a rare venture out of his solitude to bid a private farewell to Elrond, but ends up finding an unexpected connection with a certain halfling...