What Brings Us Together by Aipilosse
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: crossposted on AO3 Life in Fourth Age Valinor is good for Celebrimbor. He has his students, he has his projects, and if life is a little less exciting than it was in Middle-earth, that’s probably for the best, right? So when a series of events conspires to bring Sauron the Dark Lord back into all of their lives, he must decide if he will help him regain his memories or if some things are better left in the past. Major Characters: Celebrimbor, Galadriel, Sauron Major Relationships: Celebrimbor/Sauron Genre: Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance Challenges: Rating: Adult Warnings: Sexual Content (Moderate), Torture, Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 25 | Word Count: 133, 541 |
Posted on 24 April 2021 | Updated on 5 September 2022 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Table of Contents
Finrod | Ingoldo
Celebrimbor (Brim) - Tyelperinquar (Tyelpë)
Aredhel - Írissë
Gandalf - Olórin
Galadriel - Artanis
Sauron - Gorthaur, Annatar, but really he'd prefer if you called him Miaulë.
Ondomar - Nerdanel's halls, and her guild's headquarters
Árëmar - Aredhel's halls where she lives with Fingon and her son, a few miles south of Ondomar
Aredhel - Írissë
Maeglin - Lómion
Thanks again to Visitor (LonelyVisitor on SWG) for Beta-ing this chapter!
Celebrimbor | Tyelperinquar
Galadriel | Artanis
Aredhel | Írissë
Maeglin | Lómion
Maedhros | Nelyo
Gandalf | Olórin
If you couldn't guess already, the "Torture" tag becomes relevant during this chapter.
Thanks to Visitor (LonelyVisitor on SWG) for Beta-ing this chapter!
Thanks as always to Visitor for Beta-ing this chapter and providing much needed assurance.
Caranthir | Carnistir
Gil-galad | Ereinion
Fingolfin | Nolofinwë
Finarfin | Arafinwë
Fingon | Findekáno
Finrod | Findaráto
Amrod | Pityo
Amras | Telvo
Saruman | Curumo
Gandalf | Olórin
I am reminded of when I first read Lord of the Rings, and spent a bit of time convinced Strider and Aragorn were different characters (to be fair, I was very young). I don't think anyone has faced a similar problem, but maybe it would be a good time to put a note on Sauron's names.
Sauron | Annatar | Miaulë | Gorthaur | Mairon
Sauron - The default name in my mind. In the character index to the Silmarillion, it says that Sauron is the Quenya name given to Melkor's lieutenant meaning 'The Abhorred.' The name Sauron has quite a few other potential translations and etymologies, which Parma Eldalamberon No. 17. (2007) The more you know.
Thank Visitor for making the jokes more accessible in the first place, but I think some translations are still in order.
Alaquen - Q. Nobody (fan invented)
Titsë - Qenya. Kitty
Úmiuon - Q. Not-cat (thanks to undercat for the suggestion!)
Úvanimo - Q. Monster, corrupt or evil creature
Sauron is taken to the Ring of Doom to stand before the Valar.
Back at Ondomar, the wedding guests try to make sense of the attack.
Itara Mindon - Gleaming Tower; the name of a town.
Írissë | Aredhel
Hithaeglir - Misty Mountains
Arafinwë | Finarfin
Nolofinwë | Fingolfin
haha, sorry guys, miscalculated on the chapters. I think 25 will stick! (If only because 25 is a more pleasing number of chapters than 26.)
Look look look! Morgothscockring (any resemblance in the art style to another Silm artist is completely coincidental, I'm sure) drew The Bath Scene from chapter 17. It's The Bath Scene, so rated M y'all.
Thank you to Visitor, who made sure the multiple types of telepathy being used were crystal clear, in addition to their many SPaG saves!
Fionwë was an old name for Eönwë, but here I'm using it as the name of another Maia of Manwë. (There's only one more chapter left — surely I am finished having to make up names???)
The end, perhaps.
Comments on What Brings Us Together
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Aipilosse has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Conflict, Description/Imagery, Mood/Tone, Organization/Structure, Pacing, Plot, Point of View, Research, Sensitivity Read, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.