West, West Away by Arveldis
Fanwork Notes
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Summary: It was the Elvenking. He gazed at the disappearing haven and the encircling hills with a strange, sorrowful expression upon his face, as if he felt the same uncomfortable tug of uprooting that Sam did, feeling as if he had been removed from his familiar soil and planted somewhere he didn’t belong, at least not yet. Sam watched him, feeling like he was intruding on a private moment, but he couldn’t look away. It was strange to think that a king of the Elves might feel as displaced and torn as he did, but Sam felt suddenly in that moment that he understood the Elvenking, high and lordly though he was. Sam meets an unlikely kindred spirit on the journey West. Canon Source: Lord of the Rings Major Characters: Samwise Gamgee, Thranduil Major Relationships: Samwise Gamgee & Thranduil Genre: General Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 3, 654 |
Posted on 11 July 2023 | Updated on 19 July 2023 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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Written for Tolkien Gen Week Day 7: Freeform
(An expansion of this ficlet I wrote earlier this year for the Three Sentence Ficathon on Dreamwidth.)
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