Saltwater cure
Instadrabbling Session 19.01.2025
Prompt: The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.
Círdan contemplates the sea.
Rated: General
Notes: this is about loveless aromantic Círdan
His friends joke that the sea is his only love. And Círdan knows where they are coming from, they are not far from the truth, but love? That is not the word Círdan would choose.
Admiration, perhaps. Respect, definitely. But love is not an emotion he has ever experienced.
When his friends talk about the ones they love, their words do not resonate with him. It is alienating, sometimes, to be so detached from such a common experience.
Perhaps that is part of why he returns to the sea. It does not ask questions he cannot answer, makes no demands of him, and when he cries, grieving something he barely understands, the salt of his tears mingles with the salt of the sea like they are one.
Chapter End Notes
Loveless aromantics often do not experience any emotion they would label as love or reject the cultural definition of love (and of course there are many more variations as there always is when you try to put humans into boxes). Círdan falls into the first category here.
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