Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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In this new light

Instadrabbling session 19.01.2025

Prompt: Beauties, Terrors, Sun, Power

Nerdanel and the first sunrise.

Rated: General

When the sun & moon first rose, and light finally returned to the world, Nerdanel looked at the land she had known all her life and saw a foreign country.

Terror gripped her heart then, that the scars the darkness had left behind would never heal, that the wounds on her soul and the land were here to stay; the power of the dark too strong, even after they reclaimed the light.

Her sister took her hand.

“It looks so different now”, Nerdanel whispered.

Her sister nodded.

“It does. But there is still beauty in it. We just have to learn how to see it again.”

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