Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

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We're not repeating history

Instadrabbling session 19.01.2025

Prompt: Coming out of the closet (Teen Spirit challenge)

Arwen comes out to Aragorn.

Rated: General

Aromantic Arwen

“I do not love you”, she whispers, when they are alone and she is certain there none are left to betray her words, aside from the one they are meant for. “Not in the way they think I do.”

He looks at her with kind, knowing eyes. He has known her for only a brief time, but he sees her soul like few others do.

“I know,” he says, “I would not ask you to. Your heart is yours to give or keep. Let them live trapped in the past if they must. We do not live to repeat history.”

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