The Ink Is Running Dry
Instadrabbling Session 19.01.2025
Prompt: Though the ink is running dry, we still insist to write upon the sky (Hunger by Robinson & Rohe)
Eärendil struggles with his task.
Rated: Teen for Angst
He is trembling, exhaustion dragging at his limbs. The void he sails through is cold, so cold, icy fingers grasping at his body, until it is so drained that he fears he will never be warm again. He often wonders whether that is what his mother felt like on the Helcaraxë.
He is glad that the ship barely needs any input from him after all these years, so suffused is it with power that Vingilot has almost developed a consciousness of her own. On the days Ilmarë cannot join him, Eärendil almost wishes she had already, so at least he would not be so alone in the dark.
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