Chasing the Stag by Amaranth

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Sullhach as a very belated Birthday and Christmas present. It grew into far more than the planned one shot, I hope this makes up for the long delay.

Beta: Beruthiels_Cat. Thank you for all your help and for pointing me in the right direction so I could stay on top of things instead of completely losing track.

Disclaimer: The characters and settings of Middle-earth belong to Tolkien and/or his estate; I’m just borrowing them and make no profit.

Thank you Spiced Wine and Earille for choosing the "Not That There's Anything Wrong with That" token  for "Chasing the Stag" as part of the Silmarillion Writers Guild 5th Birthday.




Chasing the Stag Story Cover

Original artwork by Morphera


Fanwork Information


An elusive presence haunts Celegorm on a solitary hunting trip and lures him from his path into a mystery-ridden chase where it is unclear if the son of Fëanor is hunter or prey…

Silmarillion-verse, set many years before the Dagor Bragollach.

Rating not necessarily for all chapters but for some explicit parts.

Major Characters: Beleg, Celegorm, Curufin, Huan

Major Relationships:

Genre: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Erotica, Romance, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Mild)

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 13, 020
Posted on 7 August 2010 Updated on 11 October 2010

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

As I did not mention Celegorm’s looks before this chapter, will put this remark here. I’m writing Celegorm with dark hair. Just thought I should point it out, as there are discussions if he is blond or dark-haired because of the different ways one can interpret "Celegorm the Fair". I let Sullhach make the choice, as I’m writing the story for her, but just as me she imagines Celegorm with dark hair, but particularly pale (fair) skin.

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