Free Press by Lferion

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Swans and Gulls

First challenge: a new serial story. A double drabble.


Prompts - Lit:N1 Parody, Art:I4 50s color palette, Poetry:B3 Satirical Poem, Fanwork:O1 Girl falls into Middle Earth

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"So, we have a request for a picture-tale featuring a nís unexpectedly in Ennor. We did Idril and Tuor not long ago, and Irisse just last week. Lady Galadriel? Lady Elwing?"

Aiglor looked over at Varandil, "Why are you poking the bear? Or the swan-gull-eagle in this case?"

"Are you mad? None of them! Make someone up!" Mithnis was horrified.

"Poking fun at invention isn't nearly as much fun as reality," Sindion said calmly. "Though ... we could put aspects together of several, and exaggerate them. Parody and satire both at once. More scope for the poem too." Their pencil was already doodling tengwar.

There was a long moment of silence while the four elves thought. Presently there were several thoughtful nods.

"Use that color set Mithnis came up with, the one with those soft-bright colors like mint and lilac, coral and canary. Turquoise hair. Bells. No wings."

"Aiglor is right, make it transformative enough, and even if some people get it, it will not get us, or anyone else in actual trouble." Varandil sat himself properly at the desk, putting the letter under a weight. "So, both? What shall we call her, and how pointed do we want to be?"

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