Prehistory of the Eldar


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This is so interesting, we don't see a lot of speculation about what the Elves were doing before they mastered all the things we see them show mastery of in LotR! Love these depictions of the early days of the Elves, when they were still figuring stuff out. I'm so impressed you fit so many characters into these pictures! I wipe myself out trying to draw more than two at a time XD Very nice work!

Thank you!

We really don't, and it's a pity - there's so much potential for exploration there. I guess it's because so many of the most intriguing characters (and events) only appear at a later point in time, but there still should be more love for early Elvish culture, I think.

I severely regret the decision to fit so many characters into a single picture whenever I make the mistake of making it. More than two or three at a time truly are an ordeal, and it's always a relief when it's done! Glad the finished pictures don't show how many curses I uttered while paintign them! ;)

I wrote a whole long comment, a bit for each, and even a justification for forest mammoths based on the adaptation to forest life by the Tsitikamma elephants,...

...and it all got vaporised by a phone gremlin. Grrrr.

I'm too sleepy to retype just now, but the general gist was that I really like all three of these!

(And I was wondering who the snogging couple behind Míriel and Finwë are!)