Name Five Characters Who Would Love To Attend A Family Reunion by oshun
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: This stated out as a Fannish Friday Five on Live Journal and then I decided to share, as it actually could fit the SWG 5th Birthday "Five Things" challenge. Major Characters: Aredhel, Caranthir, Celegorm, Curufin, Fingon, Finrod Felagund, Maedhros, Maglor Major Relationships: Genre: Humor Challenges: Family Matters, Fifth Birthday Celebration Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 331 |
Posted on 1 October 2010 | Updated on 1 October 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1
This one came up just as I was starting to think of the winter holidays and family obligations.
Read Chapter 1
I presume it's even a touchier question if one is a Finwëan. Poor Caranthir! He has managed to annoy a cross-section of his relatives. He doesn't seem the fuzzy, cuddly type to me either, although I am willing to be proved wrong. Of course--looking at you, Curufin and Celegorm--he never actually hurt any of his cousins!
So, here is my first tier of a guest list for a family reunion of the bigger-than-life Noldorin princes:
1) Fingon - obviously! Was there anyone among the Finwëans who didn't get along with Fingon? (Perhaps Fëanor, but let's assume Fëanor is not interested in this reunion.) Both sides of the Fëanor/Fingolfin split seemed to have stayed in contact with Fingon. And the House of Finarfin seems to have liked him a lot as well.
2) Maedhros - it got rockier for him as time went on, but as long as he was present in a given situation, and apparently had Fingon at his back, he seemed to get along well enough with everyone and be able to keep the blows at bay among the more contentious members of his extended family (even if it meant he had to hold Caranthir in a neck lock).
3) Finrod - Lord Golden Sunshine personified. Never said 'no' to anybody--his biggest virtue and his ultimate downfall.
4) Maglor - he doesn't pick fights and is generally more or less oblivious to what is happening around him.
5) Aredhel - what is a party without this woman?
All righty then! The rest of the cousins can show up on the assumption that a cabal of the top three peacemakers listed above will take care of the seating arrangements. Maybe Aredhel would agree to keep Curufin and Celegorm company, seated alone as they would be at that little table in front of the kitchen door. But somebody really needs to get Turgon drunk early in the evening; he is so much nicer to be around three sheets to the wind.
(1) Comment by Spiced Wine for Name Five Character... [Ch 1]
Both sides of the Fëanor/Fingolfin split seemed to have stayed in contact with Fingon. And the House of Finarfin seems to have liked him a lot as well.
True :)
as long as he was present in a given situation, and apparently had Fingon at his back, he seemed to get along well enough with everyone and be able to keep the blows at bay among the more contentious members of his extended family (even if it meant he had to hold Caranthir in a neck lock).
Also true. He must have had a heck of a personality to harness those brothers (mostly - look what Celegorm and Curufin did when they went their own way.) Also I think they loved him :)
what is a party without this woman?
Haha :)
Lovely, Osuhun.
Re: (1) Comment by Spiced Wine for Name Five Character... [Ch 1]
Thanks so much! I had fun writing this nonsense. I needed something light in my day yesterday.
(2) Comment by Robinka for Name Five Characters Wh... [Ch 1]
What fun! :) This kinda reminds of what my friend and co-worker went through when she recently planned who was going to sit next to whom at her wedding. I didn't envy her ;) But certainly, I wouldn't have liked to miss a family reunion at the Finweans'.
Re: (2) Comment by Robinka for Name Five Characters Wh... [Ch 1]
Thanks, Binka! I am very silly! When I saw that prompt, I immediately thought of all the crazy family gatherings coming up over the next three months. The Finweans make even my family look almost ordinary!