An Anthology of Middle-Earth by tinni

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The hunt across Tirion

Just a little poem about Fingon and Turgon as children.

"Well my sons," said Nolofinwë one morning

"Around Tirion I have hidden seven red roses

Roses made of the finest crystals

Find them and you shall have

As many sweets as the there are petals

Petals on the flowers you have."


Findekáno and Turukáno smiled broad smiles

And took off on the wings of wind

Across fair Tirion they searched,

In boards, baskets and breads

This proved a good thing

Since one red rose was in the morning bake


Two they found in the pockets of their grandfather

Another in their mother's dresser

One they found up a tree

Another down a hill


The last they found in the hands of their uncle

Their uncle Fëanaro who thought them pretty

But not as pretty as the ones he made

Richly he laughed when he heard of their game

And asked to see which brother had more


Than Findekáno and Turukáno look to their hands

And saw that they had three each of the ruby red roses

Fëanaro asked who wanted the last

The brothers laughed and clasped his hand

"You can have the last flower" they said with a smile

"It's always more fun when we share with others."

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