An Anthology of Middle-Earth by tinni

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Eternal Spirits

Since it's about Gandalf and the Balrog he killed in Lord of the Rings, technically this is not Silmarillion based. But hopefully I won't get in trouble for uploading it here.

Eternal spirits feel no pain

Eternal spirits feel no fear

Eternal spirit know no darkness

Eternal spirit do not die

I feel the pain of his burning whip

I feel the fear of his dreaded shadow

I know the darkness that closes upon me

I sense death is on my heels, yet

I am an eternal spirit

Eternal spirit I was once

Eternal spirit I am still

Eternal spirit I will ever be

Many burdens I took on

To serve the greater good

Many oaths I took on

To serve men and elves

Some I will discharge today

When I take you on, brother

We are alike, you and I

We were both spirits immortal

You were corrupted

Bound to the substance of Arda

I bound myself by my free will

Come than brother let us free ourselves

And become what we once were

Eternal spirits, spirits divine

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