Lúthien Before Morgoth's Throne


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I love the Silmarillion and Ancient Egypt and you managed to combine here both <3
Once upon a time I was trying to draw Egyptian Elves, but it was nothing like your artwork. Congratulations to both of you - the artist and the hieroglyphs specialist :)

This! Is simply superb. I recall being astounded the first time I saw it, and my reaction hasn't changed: Yowzers! The way you've adapted the essence of this scene. Sheer magic.

And the hieroglyphs. I'm embarrassed to say that my brain glazed over and eyes glossed over them the first time round, but they're great. (And hehehe for some of them)

Thank you so much!  I am always delighted when I find any kind of traditional art that feels like it perfectly captures a scene from Tolkien (it makes sense, honestly, given the nature of his writing and the mythological inspirations).

I am forever grateful to Owly who really brought life to the piece with those hieroglyphs, I would never have even tried to add them otherwise, but I love how it just finishes the feel of it so well.

Thank you again! <3