The Book of Short Tales by Lyra

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B2MeM '12 - O72 - The Lands of their Fathers

Written for the "Dwarves in the First Age" prompt, Awakening of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves.

The Elves aren't the only ones who fill the early world with music... A drabble according to OOW.

In Cuiviénen, the land was ringing with the song of Elvish voices; but to the North and South, the East and West the mountains lay stark and silent. Immutable they were in their majesty, untouched and unexplored.
But no longer. Under the mountains, deep in the dark bowels of the earth, something began to move. Keen eyes opened, sturdy limbs stretched after a long sleep; and like bearded ants walking on two feet, the Dwarves began to delve their halls and tunnels and build their kingdoms into the rock.
Soon the mountains were ringing with the song of their hammers.

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