In the Court of the Dragon Emperor by pandemonium_213
Fanwork Notes
Banner by Russandol.
Although I use the names given by Tolkien to the Blue Wizards in Unfinished Tales —Alatar and Pallando — I take inspiration from Tolkien's writings from The History of Middle-earth XII: The Peoples of Middle-earth:
The 'other two' came much earlier, at the same time probably as Glorfindel, when matters became very dangerous in the Second Age. Glorfindel was sent to aid Elrond and was (though not yet said) pre-eminent in the war in Eriador. But the other two Istari were sent for a different purpose. Morinehtar and Romestamo. Darkness-slayer and East-helper. Their task was to circumvent Sauron: to bring help to the few tribes of Men that had rebelled from Melkor-worship, to stir up rebellion...and after his first fall to search out his hiding (in which they failed) and to cause [? dissension and disarray] among the dark East... They must have had very great influence on the history of the Second Age and Third Age in weakening and disarraying the forces of East...who would both in the Second Age and Third Age otherwise have...outnumbered the West.
I hope to write more of Alatar and Pallando's adventures in the East. Many thanks to the Lizard Council for rapid picking o' the nits.
Fanwork Information
Summary: The Dragon Emperor of Kitai lavishes rich and tempting gifts upon two Istari: Alatar and Pallando. Will the Blue Wizards succumb to the Son of Heaven's request? Written for Back to Middle-earth Month 2011: March 1 in response to the prompt: Write a story or poem or create artwork where seduction plays a central role. MEFA 2011 Winner. First Place, Other Beings, General Major Characters: Alatar, Pallando Major Relationships: Challenges: B2MeM 2011 Rating: Teens Warnings: Mature Themes, Sexual Content (Mild) |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 064 |
Posted on 8 March 2011 | Updated on 8 March 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
In the Court of the Dragon Emperor
Read In the Court of the Dragon Emperor
The cloying fragrance of one thousand camellias assaulted Alatar's nose, and one thousand colors of silk battered his eyes, the excessive sensations adding to his agitation. Sweat trickled down his cheeks into his beard, and he schooled himself to keep his nerves in check. By contrast, Pallando remained cool and collected as they stood before the throne of the Dragon Emperor: the Son of Heaven and the Supreme Ruler of Kitai, a man who could order them beheaded at any moment. Beside him stook his Empress, a small and graceful woman, whose delicate stature was deceiving. It was said that she wielded as much power as her husband, and that it was she who advised him of the most critical matters of state.
Out of the corner of his eye, Alatar glimpsed a hundred soldiers arrayed in golden armor with curved swords at their sides. They stood at attention along the periphery of the court, while in its center, the emperor's counselors, wizened elders draped in luxurious robes, looked on as slaves laid gold at his and Pallando's feet. Alatar, who wore light shoes made from the fine leathers of the Land of a Thousand Cities, glanced at the riches before his friend's feet, which were bare, a custom Pallando had adopted from the immortal sages who dwelt in the Mountains of Snow.
Pallando remained unmoved by the rosewood chests of gold spilled before them. It was more difficult for Alatar to resist the temptation of such treasure. He considered that these monies might persuade the fearsome tribes of Palisor to abandon their allegiance to Sauron or that the gold could buy food and weapons for the impoverished villages where Alatar fomented rebellion against the Abhorred's tyrants.
Next came servants bearing enameled jars filled with exotic spices — cloves, anise, myrrh — their scents adding to the barrage of the camellias when the lids were opened so the Istari might inspect the contents. Alatar refrained from wrinkling his nose.
Then jars and vials holding strange powders were brought to them. The old scholar who carried the most opulent container, embossed with the images of red and gold chrysanthemums, extended the exquisite box to the Istari.
"The Son of Heaven offers a most rare gift, my lords. This powder is made from the bone of the manticore. A mere pinch in one's tea will cause the member of a one hundred year old man to rise as hard as that of a youth."
Alatar ensured that he projected a courteous yet detached demeanor when presented with the bizarre concoction, but his mouth twitched, almost with a will of its own as a smirk tried to express itself. He pressed his lips together. He was older than one hundred years — far older — and had no such difficulties in any of his human manifestations, including this elderly yet vigorous body. What Pallando thought of the rare powder, he could not say, because as ever, his friend's face remained serene. Alatar was impressed. Pallando had learned much during those years he had spent amongst the immortals in the Mountains of Snow.
Perhaps, Alatar considered, when I am next in Bharat, I should take Mélamírë's advice to study with the gurus so that I might still my mind as skilfully as my brother does.
When the next set of gifts were paraded before the two Istari, Alatar fervently wished he had listened to the young half-blood's words of counsel. Twelve lovely women — the most select of the emperor's concubines — paraded before them, their hips swaying with a movement that proved to Alatar he had no need of the pulverized manticore bone to respond.
Alatar glanced at Pallando. Surely, he cannot be unmoved. Pallando's eyes widened with frank appreciation, but otherwise, his expression remained passive. That, thought Alatar, took discipline, and he admired his friend for it.
The chief minister stepped forward, the strands of his long black mustache floating over his brocaded robes while the Dragon Emperor regarded them implacably from the Throne of Heaven.
"All of these can be yours, masters," said the minister with a voice as honeyed as sweet jasmine tea, "if only you give our beloved Emperor the secret of eternal life. For you are mages, are you not? Good men, wise men who speak true words, so you say to the Son of Heaven."
Alatar shifted on his feet. He bowed to the minister and the Emperor before turning to his companion. "My brother speaks for both of us."
Pallando also bowed, his head bald as an egg in the manner of the sages of the mountain temples. Light reflected from his golden skin. So meek and mild Pallando appeared at this moment, but Alatar knew that beneath his sky-blue robes, muscles as supple as a panther's rippled, honed by the discipline of the arts — part meditation and part deadly combat — that his friend had learned from the immortal sages.
"The Son of Heaven is the most generous of Men, and his beautiful words are most courteous," Pallando responded, his voice gentle and measured, "But it is said that truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good. A thousand gifts will not change the truth: we cannot extend your life past its natural span."
Only the rustling of silk and the piping of the songbirds in the gardens could be heard. Alatar wondered what beheading would feel like. Would his head retain consciousness for a brief moment as it went flying from the anchor of its body? They could only hope for the mercy of beheading with a sharp sword. There were far more horrible ways to die here in Kitai. He imagined the grave disappointment of Manwë should he and his brother return to Aman prematurely as fluttering spirits, their mission unaccomplished. At least he hoped that Manwë would be merely disappointed. He had no desire to face the Elder King's wrath. Even worse, was the prospect of the silent Halls of Mandos where the eyes of the Doomsman, as chilling as those of a cobra, watched over all.
Then the Dragon Emperor raised his right hand, strong, graceful, and refined, and spoke:
"You have passed the last of my tests. You are in truth sages, not mere tricksters. Come, I would learn from you."
Chapter End Notes
The philosopher Lao Tzu is quoted in the fic (Pallando's commentary about truthful and persuasive words). In addition to taking inspiration from Tolkien's "Morinehtar and Romestamo," I also borrow from Sampsa Ilamri Rydman's wondeful maps on his Lindefirion site.
(1) Comment by oshun for In the Court of the Dragon Emperor
This is a really unique take on the wizards. Admitting to not having focused at all on the canon relating to them. I loved the description and organization of this ficlet. Seems like you could expand at will to give us other aspects and details of their story. Thanks for sharing the story and the interesting link also to the maps.
Re: (1) Comment by oshun for In the Court of the Dragon Emperor
Thanks, Oshun! There's not much canon pertaining to them, just snippets here and there, and contradictory ones at that. Of course, this makes it that much more fun for me to speculate about these fellows, who have the potential to fit nearly into the Pandë!verse.
(2) Comment by Elleth for In the Court of the Dragon Empe...
Unique and fascinating. I'm of two minds concerning crossovers of the primary world and Tolkien's Arda, but you always pull it off to the best of effects - this was no exception, and it was delightful meeting your Ithryn Luin.
Re: (2) Comment by Elleth for In the Court of the Dragon Empe...
Thanks so much, Elleth! Because you're on the fence, as it were, concerning crossovers and liked this, I take that as a high compliment indeed! Tolkien drew quite a bit from our primary world (as we know). I'm just reaching for a bit more. I'm hoping to pick up the blue fellahs' trail in the future.
(3) Comment by Robinka for In the Court of the Dragon Emp...
It's always fascinating to see a ficlet woven with bits of Middle Earth universe and eastern mythology by your hand. This is very interesting and, as ever, beautifully written. Great approach to the challenge! Thank you.
I wonder if you could try Slavic mythology some time :)
Re: (3) Comment by Robinka for In the Court of the Dragon Emp...
Thanks so much, Binka, and by golly, you have piqued my interest in a big way! Slavic mythology, here I come! :^D
(4) Comment by elfscribe for In the Court of the Dragon E...
Reposting my Mefa review:
Pandemonium's story "In the Court of the Dragon Emperor" packs so much into a short space that I feel I've read a piece of a much larger, fully-developed story. Like her story "The Man who Grew Tomatoes," she has taken characteristics of non-Western cultures and incorporated them into Middle-earth in quite plausible ways. I loved the idea of the Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando going to visit the Dragon Emperor. ["the Son of Heaven and the Supreme Ruler of Kitai, a man who could order them beheaded at any moment."] With that ominous but attention-grabbing beginning, I'm pulled into Pandë's fragrant, colorful court scene, where Alatar is tugging on his figurative shirt-collar wondering if he's about to make a quick trip back to Mandos. I enjoyed the characterization of both wizards, Pallando the serene, athletic sage who seems to have an earthy appreciation for lovely women, and Alatar, who is more concerned with keeping his hröa intact. The dragon emperor tempts them with all manner of worldly riches, including a manticore bone with special properties that you'll need to read the story to discover. All these riches will be theirs if only the Blue Wizards will grant the emperor perpetual youth. Pallando's answer and the result give this story a sense of fairy-tale timelessness. Pandë promises another story about her Blue Wizards and I'm looking forward to it.
(5) Comment by Russandol for In the Court of the Dragon E...
My MEFA 2011 review:
I love the fable style of this tale, full of details painting an exotic, unexpected backdrop for a tale set in the Tolkien world, but completely convincing as a very recognisable historic setting in our primary world. I would have doubted it was possible to succeed at creating a tale of the Istari in ancient China, but pandemonium_213 pulls it off as though it were the most natural thing in the world and the Blue Wizards did indeed stand before the Dragon Emperor, but Tolkien just forgot to record it.
The descriptions are so vivid that it's easy to imagine the smell of the camelias and spices of the far east, and to picture the lavish, tempting gifts paraded before the wizards: glittering treasures and lovely concubines (plus unnecessary remedies to enjoy their company!) I particularly admire the flavour of this story as a tale taken out of ancient teachings recorded in a remote land, a tale that the philosopher Lao Tzu (quoted as having spoken Pallando's words) could have narrated or written himself.
The nature of the test is not perceived by Alatar so that, watching the scene through his eyes, I also fear for his head for an instant. I am intrigued by the hint of a background story to explain the contrast between the struggling Alatar and the serene Pallando, and I hope to see it written in more one day soon.