The Joining of Two Families by chrissystriped

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Chapter Three

“Melkor”, Manwe said with a stern look on his face that made Melkor want to cower under his chair, “Namo tells me you have been meddling with decisions that have long been made.”

So, this was finally coming up. He’d been wondering, if Namo would make this decision privately, but he probably couldn’t. Melkor straightened, trying to stop his trembling. He usually made a point of not intruding into the provinces of his siblings or contesting their decisions, but this was too important  — and he felt, that it was his business, whatever Namo thought.

“I am aware of the decision you made in the case of Finwe and Míriel and Indis”, he said slowly and looked around. “But this is a little different. For those of you who are unaware: Recently the first person who was an orc in her old life, was reborn. She is the mother of Sharû, the leader of the orcs on Tol Eressea. The orc she loves and considers her husband was an elf before he was captured and tortured into an orc. This is my fault and I felt it was my duty to help her with her request. Said orc was married and had children with his wife, before he was captured. According to your decision, he cannot be reborn now, because both his wives are alive, but both Shai and Arasiel — his first wife — want him back and they want to find an arrangement for all three of them. He wouldn’t have to choose one of them, if you leave the decision to them. I think this is a good solution and the time to rethink your ruling on the marriage of elves.”

Manwe’s face had become more soft again. “Now I understand your involvement in this and it is good that you feel responsible. But it is not that easy. Namo and I asked Eru’s guidance when we first made that ruling. We cannot simply change it.”

“You once told me that our father does not speak to you in words. Is it not true that you are interpreting? Might you not reconsider?”

“You should”, Vana assisted him unexpectedly. “If they all love each other, I cannot see why it should be wrong. We thought it would lead to discontent, if a reborn elf came back only to find out that their spouse had married another. We thought they could only love one spouse at a time. But these two women seem to think differently. Must we not listen to them?” “We will reconsider”, Manwe said slowly, looking at Namo, before meeting Melkor’s gaze. “ I also think we should talk to these two women again. Though I can not promise you another outcome.” Melkor knew he had a grin on his face. “Still, I thank you”, he said. He knew that for them to make the decision to review their ruling, was a big step — and all he could have hoped to achieve.


Arasiel was trembling as she followed Eonwe up the hill to where the Valar waited for Shai and her. She had not expected the Valar to take so much interest in them, she had — in fact — not expected for much to come of their meeting with Namo. Shai walked beside her, straight-backed and firm. Arasiel let her hand slip into hers, holding tight. Shai smiled at her, her face aglow with hope. She had experienced a miracle and was sure everything was possible now. Arasiel was glad she had her at her side, because she knew she’d never have dared to petition the Valar for the return of her husband on her own.

Eonwe announced them and Arasiel curtsied. Shai… Shai went to her knees and bowed forward until her forehead touched the grass.

“Rise”, a woman’s voice said and when Arasiel straightened she looked into the face of Varda. Shai came fluently to her feet beside her.

“We asked you here to recount your tale”, the Kindler said. “No one ever came to us with a request quite like yours. We can see that your case is a different one than that of Finwe, Míriel and Indis. But to see clearer, to make it possible to decide on a course, we want to hear your stories from your own mouths.”

Arasiel knew it would be her turn to start, given that she had been Faranwe’s wife before his capture.

Shai had taken her hand again. “Great Ones”, she said. “We thank you for your attention. We hope you will see that our request is not something twisted.”

“I was born at the shores of Cuiviénen”, Arasiel started, clinging to Shai's hand. “Faranwe was my husband, we have two children, a daughter, Aiwiel, and a son, Faranwion. We were of different minds about making the Great Journey. I wanted to come here, to a place where our children would be able to grow up in peace, but Faranwe was a being of the hunt and the deep forest and he loved Endóre, he didn’t want to leave it. He vanished and for the longest time I didn’t know if he’d decided to leave me, or been killed by a predator, or taken by the Black Hunter — as it was indeed the case. I heard of it only when Aiwiel decided to follow the rumour of an elf, recently come to Aman, claiming a Faranwe as his father. It was Estel, Shai’s youngest son. That’s how I found out about my husband’s fate.”

Shai picked up the story: “I already had two children, of a soldier killed in a fight among themselves, when Gârsh — the name Faranwe had been given — and I were put together. I was scared, new partners were known to not treat the children of others well. But he was different, he treated my children like his own. He was kind and gentle and… we fell in love. It was not supposed to happen. We were… discouraged to form close bonds.”

Arasiel followed Shai’s quick glance in Melkor’s direction. He was pale, a look of grief on his face, and he averted his eyes when he saw her look at him. Arasiel knew it was due to his help that Namo had talked to them, that they were here to speak their mind, so she tried not to resent him for his past deeds -- even though they had hurt her husband and Shai so much.

“But we loved each other and we loved our children and we were as happy as we could be under the circumstances. He was not supposed to remember his old life — or even his old name — but he did and he sometimes told me of his first wife and his children. I knew he loved me, but we had been put together by force, his first family was that of his choice.” Shai looked at Arasiel and smiled. “When I was reborn and met Arasiel — we both wanted to talk to the ‘other’ wife — I thought I would have to give Gârsh up. Because, when he would be reborn, he would be Faranwe again and in love with Arasiel. But Arasiel made it clear she would be willing to share and I am, too. And so we are here today to ask you to reconsider the law you made so long ago. We love him both, there can be a shared bond between the three of us, we can make our two families one.”

“It will heal wounds, not cause discontent”, Arasiel added. “Our children are already friendly with each other. Our case is not like the other.”

“What does Faranwe say to this?”, Yavanna asked in the direction of Namo. “Has he been asked?”

“He has been informed of his wives’ intentions", Namo said. "He has been a broken soul, some of those I thought would never heal completely. He was too torn by the two disparate lives he’d had. Since I told him of the love Arasiel and Shai both feel for him, of their wish to have him back — not each for their own, but together — he has started to heal in a remarkable way.”

Arasiel felt her heart beat with joy at these words. Faranwe was healing and she and Shai had helped with it. There was a long silence and yet Arasiel felt that there was a conversation going on, moving at the speed of thought. Shai had barely the time to mutter: “Rude.” (Melkor smiled as if he’d heard.)

“Namo and I have long thought of our memories of the Music”, Manwe said. “Of what we perceived when we asked our Father for help in the case of Finwe and Míriel. We considered all of it, all that was said in the council then and what my sibling have said now. I see two women here who burn in love for the same man but work together instead of resenting each other and I have heard of a torn soul who has been brought on the way of healing by their joined love.

The Valar don’t change, some say, but we do, if slowly. My brother might be the most obvious proof of that.

We have learned more about the Children in the time since the law was made. No two of the Children are exactly the same and the way you love are as diverse as you are. Today we make void the old law. A Quende can have more than one spouse, if all involved persons consent. Your husband, Shai and Arasiel, will be returned to you once he is healed.”

Arasiel felt a happiness bubble up inside her that could barely be contained. Before she knew it, she was hugging Shai, laughing and sobbing at the same time. She did not care that the Valar saw.

She looked up when she felt someone step close.

“The others have left you to your privacy”, Melkor said, “but I wanted to congratulate you. Changing the minds of the Valar is no small thing. I know the situation you are in is all my fault and I’m glad you can be with your husband, in time.”

“You helped us”, Shai said, clutching his hand. “You made it so they lent us their ears. Thank you. I… I don’t know that my opinion matters much, but I no longer fear you. You are a good person.”

Melkor bowed to kiss the back of her hand. “Your opinion matters a great deal to me, Shai, and I thank you. Know that you and your people can count on my help, if you should need it. I owe it to you. And now I’ll leave you to your happiness.”

Arasiel watched him as he left. “We should invite him and Mablung to dinner or something. To thank them. They helped us a great deal.”

“That’s a great idea. But today we celebrate, just the two of us. Let’s get back to the city."

They were still holding hands as they walked down the hill towards Valmar.

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