Embers by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maglor's journey through the Ages. Linked ficlets leading directly into Rise Again From Ashes.

Major Characters: Elrond, Maglor

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: Teens

Warnings: Mature Themes

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 3, 694
Posted on 31 August 2011 Updated on 31 August 2011

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

A couple of ficlets were previously posted on my LiveJournal, but they were always intended to be part of this story.

Many, many thanks to Elleth for the beta. You made this story shine.

Comments on Embers

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Indy, I just loved this.  Of course, all of the Feanorians are near and dear to my heart, but Maglor was always something special, even in that family of overachievers.  I love that you have Elrond return to Ennore to retrieve him.  It reminded me of how much I adored Rise Again from Ashes.  


- Erulisse (one L)

As a fan of "Ashes," I am delighted to see the "Embers" prequels here, as I wasn't aware that you had them on your LJ. They make a terrific introduction to that, and are a great read in themselves. (I especially like Elrond finding Maglor in the music store, probably realizing that sheet music too will soon be disappearing into the digital maw very shortly, and trying to convince him to sail before it happens!)

I don't actually have them on my LJ-- only two of the ficlets were previously posted there (the house destroyed and evolution). But both were always part of RAFA 'verse. What better place for Elrond to find him? (I rather doubt sheet music will ever be completely digital. How it's used is far different from books. And I'm curious: what's wrong with digital? [So asks the writer who has yet to buy an ebook reader because she prefers paper.])

I read this right away when you posted it, but in a printout rather than online. I've just remembered that I never got around to commenting.

I was glad to get these glimpses of the background to RAFA. Like others, I especially enjoyed that meeting with Elrond!

Commenting here because commenting on your comment to my review of "A Dream..." isn't possible, and because for some reason I haven't reviewed this lovely piece yet, anyway.

Yes, the re-encounter is treated here, but it's such a tantalisingly short glimpse - I would have loved more, even though the brevity maybe makes this even more sweet. I love, love, love that Elrond immediately calls Maglor "Father", even after all these years.

On the whole, there are so many tantalisingly brief looks at all the events in history that Maglor has witnessed. I loved his excursus to the east, as well as his stop-over in Gondor long after Aragorn has become a legend, and... everything, really. (Aren't I eloquent. :P) The format works really well, and although most of the short little windows into Maglor's long, long journey make me gnash my teeth and want more, I cannot honestly say that there's anything actually missing. Argh, I'm still not really coherent. No wonder I didn't post a review earlier.

At any rate, I really enjoyed this, and figured I might as well tell you!

Thank you! Incoherency is perfectly fine. The amount of reviews I've written that I'm not sure make sense…

I'll go with brevity makes it sweeter. :P I couldn't not have Elrond do that.

I'm glad you think the format works; I'm honestly not sure I could have sustained anything else (writing historical fiction beyond brief glimpses like this makes me whimper). And I had to work in that stopover in Gondor; I loved the history turning to legend aspect and I couldn't resist Gondor specifically.

I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!