We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

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No warnings apply.

Galdor reminisces about his old home planet.

The prompt for Aman was A dream of a faraway place. It made it in, just barely XD

“What was it like, the place where you grew up?”

Galdor froze, his arm tightening around Nellas’ waist.

“You don’t have to answer if the memories still pain you,” his lover rushed to assure him. “I’m just curious, I suppose. We’ll be on the Gondolin soon, and of course it’s not the first time I’ve been off-planet, but it’ll be the longest trip yet, and I was thinking about all the things I’m going to miss and what I want to tell Anneryn about Doriath when she’s old enough to understand and then it made me wonder about your home and whether you’d want to tell our daughter about it. But as I said, you don’t have to answer. I don’t mind.”


“It’s the dawn I miss the most. Silly, isn’t it? We left behind friends and family, and our entire lives, but if I could see only one thing again, it would be Tirion’s walls gleaming in the red-golden light of a Laurelin morning. There is no sight more beautiful. We lived on the outskirts, just outside the old city walls, built when our three people had not yet made peace with each other, and every morning those white walls turned into a canvas. Elenwë and I often sat on our roofs and watched the artist at work. She liked Telperion’s silver light far more, she said it reminded her of the snowy peaks of her hometown.” Galdor sighed deeply. “I wish Anneryn could have seen it.”


“So do I. Your description has painted the most beautiful picture in my mind,” Nellas whispered and squeezed his hand.

A baby cried out.

They stared at each other.

“She must have known we were speaking of her,” Nellas laughed, shrugging off the covers, but husband’s hand stilled her before she could get out of bed.

“I’ll check on her. She doesn’t sound like she’s hungry. You’ll have to get up often enough tonight.”

He slipped out of the room, and Nellas soon heard him whispering to their daughter.

She drifted off to the soft notes of a lullaby.

In her dreams, she saw a white city and a golden sunrise.

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